Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:AA9CA136-3D94-47B1-93F8-5FC9F527B627 <br /> Connection To Existing Equipment: It is mutually understood and agreed that ADT assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the <br /> maintenance, operation, non-operation, actuation, non-actuation or needless or erroneous actuation of the existing equipment; <br /> that service may be terminated by ADT in the event the existing equipment is not in good working operating condition and ADT <br /> shall not be liable for any damage of subject to any penalty as a result of such termination. Any repairs to or replacement of <br /> existing equipment at the time of reconnection will be charged to the customer on a time and materials basis at the prevailing <br /> rates. <br /> CUSTOMER shall provide all conduit and raceways with pull strings. All conduits/raceways will have pull boxes installed <br /> maximum 150'apart, and conduits/raceways will terminate in an appropriate electrical box. <br /> CUSTOMER is responsible for any patching, painting, replacement of ceiling tiles, and wall coverings. <br /> Intrusion/Burglary Monitoring <br /> ADT will respond to an incoming intrusion alarm that has been activated at a customer's protected premise. The premise alarm <br /> system must be armed to send an intrusion event signal. <br /> In localities with verified response policies, ADT often contracts local guard companies to respond to customer site and verify <br /> burglary attempt. Guard Response service accounts incur an additional fee. Guard Response is not available in all locales, check <br /> with an ADT local office before proposal. <br /> INTRUSION/BURGLARY MONITORING EVENT RESPONSE PROTOCOL <br /> ADT follows Enhanced Call Verification (ECV) standard operating procedures: <br /> Enhanced Call Verification Procedures: <br /> 1. Call premises (call both premise numbers if there are two) <br /> 2. Call the first number on the first contact. If no contact or passcode, dispatch police department, proceed to Step 3. <br /> 3. Dispatch police department <br /> 4. Partial clear <br /> 5. Call the remaining numbers (if applicable) of the first contact. <br /> 6. Call the remainder of the contact list <br /> 7. Full clear <br /> For Video Verification Account <br /> If video contains confirmed event information and the authorities have been dispatched on primary signals, immediately notify the <br /> authorities of the additional video information, then follow normal standard operating procedures. <br /> Holdup/Duress Signal Monitoring <br /> ADT will respond to signals from a protected customer premise that are initiated by personnel on-site via a holdup device—a <br /> silent manual trigger that is programmed to the customer burglar alarm panel—and by duress signals generated from the <br /> customer site. Duress signals are initiated when a user at the customer site enters an alternate duress code into the system <br /> keypad. Holdup devices and duress codes are always active, sending signals when activated while the system is in an armed or <br /> un-armed state. <br /> HOLDUP/DURESS SIGNAL MONITORING RESPONSE PROTOCOL <br /> 1. Dispatch police department <br /> 2. Partial clear with a 30-minute delay. <br /> 3. After 30-minute delay, call police department for disposition. <br /> A. If police department does NOT have disposition, partial clear again with an additional 30-minute delay. Repeat until a <br /> disposition is provided. Once disposition is provided, proceed to steps B or C below. <br /> B. If ACTUAL alarm: <br /> 1. Call contact list <br /> 2. Go to step 4 <br /> C. If FALSE alarm: <br /> 1. Call premises, if no answer or invalid passcode <br /> 2. Call contact list <br /> 3. Go to step 4 <br /> 4. Full clear. <br />