Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> modest level of annual County funding. This program would address the following resources <br /> as high priorities: <br /> o Historic Black schools: The few remaining historic two-room Black schools that <br /> closed in the 1950s are seriously threatened, as are surviving rural slave cemeteries. <br /> o Historic log houses and farm buildings: Many deteriorated log cabins and farm <br /> buildings that tell important stories about the county's history will be lost in the next <br /> decade. Most of these are owned by farm families who face financial challenges and <br /> cannot justify spending money on structures that have no use. <br /> o Abandoned Black burial grounds: There are numerous abandoned informal Black <br /> burial grounds scattered across the county, many of which contain the burials of <br /> those who were enslaved. These are often unmarked or poorly marked and known <br /> only to neighboring landowners, genealogists or elderly descendants of those buried <br /> in these sacred places. They need to be properly identified, researched, mapped and <br /> protected through fencing and permanent interpretive markers. <br /> - 6 - <br />