2022-133-E-AMS-Warren Hay Mechanical Contractors-Emergency Services Warehouse Dehumidification
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2022-133-E-AMS-Warren Hay Mechanical Contractors-Emergency Services Warehouse Dehumidification
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Sheet Title:Sheet Number:Revisions:Designed by: Checked by:Date:Project Number:Copyright © 2021 Salas O'BrienSO Project No: ORANGE COUNTYEMERGENCY SERVICES CENTERDEHUMIDIFICATION510 MEADOWLANDS DRIVEHILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA0611-02-00-2001/14/2022CODE SUMMARYSHEETG0020611-02-00-20GTB AFSN/AN/AN/AN/AName of Project:Address:Zip CodeOwner/Authorized Agent:Phone # EmailOwned By: City/County Private StateCode Enforcement Jurisdiction: City County State(EXCEPT ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES)(Reproduce the following data on the building plans sheet 1 or 2)2018 BUILDING CODE SUMMARYFOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTSArchitectural:Civil: Electrical: Fire Alarm: Plumbing: Mechanical: Sprinkler-Standpipe: Structural: Retaining Walls >5’:Other:("Other" should include firms and individuals such as truss, precast, pre-engineered, interior designers, etc.)NAMEFIRMLICENSEPHONEContact:DESIGNERPrimary Occupancy Classification(s):Assembly: A-1 A-2 A-3 A -4 A-5Business:Educational:Factory F-1 Moderate F-2 LowHazardous: H-1 Detonate H-2 Deflagrate H-3 Combust H-4 Health H-5 HPMInstitutional: I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-1 Condition 1 2I-2 1 2I-3 Condition: 1 2 3 4 5Mercantile:Residential: R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4Storage: S-1 Moderate S-2 Low High-piledALLOWABLE AREA1Frontage area increases from Section 506.2 are computed thus:a. Perimeter which fronts a public way or open space having 20 feet minimum width = _____ ft (F)b. Total Building Perimeter = _____ ft (P)c. Ratio (F/P) = _____ (F/P)d. W = Minimum width of public way = _____ ft (W)2 Unlimited area applicable under conditions of Section 507.3Maximum Building Area = total number of stories in the building x D (maximum 3 stories) (506.2).4The maximum area of open parking garages must comply with Table 406.5.4. The maximum area of air traffic control towers must comply with Table 412.3.1.5Frontage increase is based on the unsprinklered area value in Table 506.2.(D)ALLOWABLE AREA PER STORY OR UNLIMITED2,3DESCRIPTION AND USE(C)AREA FOR FRONTAGE INCREASE1,5SHOWN ON PLANSALLOWABLECODE REFERENCE(B)TABLE 506.24AREA(A)BLDG AREA PERSTORY (ACTUAL)STORY NO. ALLOWABLE HEIGHTBuilding Height in Feet (Table 504.3)Building Height in Stories (Table 504.4)Construction Type:(Check all that apply)BASIC BUILDING DATAInterior walls and partitionsFIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTSRATINGDETAIL #AND SHEET #BUILDING ELEMENTFIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE (FEET)SHEET # FOR RATED PENETRATIONREQ'DPROVIDED (W/________* REDUCTION)DESIGN # FOR RATED ASSEMBLYSHEET # FOR RATED JOINTSNonbearing Walls and PartitionsBearing WallsInterior* Indicate section number permitting reductionRoof construction, including supporting beams and joistsCorridor Separation Structural Frame Including columns, girders, trussesFloor ConstructionFloor Ceiling AssemblyColumns Supporting FloorsRoof Ceiling Assembly Columns Supporting Roof Shaft Enclosures - ExitShaft Enclosures - OtherOccupancy/Fire Barrier SeparationParty/Fire Wall SeparationIncidental Use SeparationSmoke Barrier SeparationTenant/Dwelling Unit/Sleeping Unit SeparationLIFE SAFETY PLAN REQUIREMENTSLife Safety Plan Sheet #Fire and/or smoke rated wall locations (Chapter 7)Assumed and real property line locations (if not on the site plan)Exterior wall opening area with respect to distance to assumed property lines (705.8)Occupancy Use for each area as it relates to occupant load calculation (Table 1004.1.2)Occupant loads for each areaExit access travel distances (1017)Common path of travel distances (1006.2.1 & 1006.3.2(1))Dead end lengths (1020.4)Clear exit widths for each exit doorMaximum calculated occupant load capacity each exit door can accommodate based on egress width (1005.3)Actual occupant load for each exit doorA separate schematic plan indicating where fire rated floor/ceiling and/or roof structure is provided for purposes of occupancy separationLocation of doors with panic hardware (1010.1.10)Location of doors with delayed egress locks and the amount of delay (1010.1.9.7)Location of doors with electromagnetic egress locks (1010.1.9.9)Location of doors equipped with hold-open devicesLocation of emergency escape windows (1030)The square footage of each fire area (202)The square footage of each smoke compartment for Occupancy Classification I-2 (407.5)Note any code exceptions or table notes that may have been utilized regarding the items aboveLIFE SAFETY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSEmergency Lighting:Exit Signs:Fire Alarm:Smoke Detection Systems:Carbon Monoxide Detection:NoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYesPLUMBING FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS(TABLE 2902.1)USEWATERCLOSETSDRINKING FOUNTAINSURINALS LAVATORIESSHOWERS/TUBSMALE FEMALEMALE FEMALEREGULAR ACCESSIBLEREQ'DNEWACCESSIBLE PARKING(Section 1106)LOT OR PARKING AREATOTAL # OF PARKING SPACESPROVIDEDREGULAR WITH 5' ACCESS AISLE8' ACCESS AISLETOTAL # ACCESSIBLE PROVIDEDSPECIAL APPROVALSSpecial approval: (Local Jurisdiction, Department of Insurance, OSC, DPI, DHHS, ICC, etc., describe below)I-AI-BIII-AIII-BNorthEastWestSouthNorthEastWestSouthNEW (SQ FT) SUB-TOTALFLOOREXISTING (SQ FT)GROSS BUILDING AREA TABLETOTAL:REQUIRED# OF ACCESSIBLE SPACES PROVIDEDTOTAL:E-MAIL2018 NC Building Code:New BuildingAdditionPrescriptiveConstructed: (date)Renovated: (date)Current Use(s): (Ch.3):Proposed Use(s): (Ch.3):II-AII-BIVV-AV-BSprinklers:NoPartial NFPA 13NFPA 13DNFPA 13RStandpipes:No IIWetIClassIIIDryPrimary Fire District:No YesYesFlood Hazard Area:NoSpecial Inspections Required:Utility and Miscellaneous: Parking GarageOpenEnclosed Repair GarageAccessory Occupancy Classification(s):Mixed Occupancy:No Yes Separation:Hr.Exception:Actual Area of Occupancy A + Actual Area of Occupancy B < 1Allowable Area of Occupancy A Allowable Area of Occupancy BVAN SPACES WITH 132" ACCESS AISLEEXIST'GSPACE+ + + + =< 1ENERGY SUMMARYClimate Zone:3A4A5AMethod of Compliance:Energy Code:ASHRAE 90.1:Other:THERMAL ENVELOPE(Prescriptive method only)Roof/ceiling Assembly (each assembly)Description of assembly:U-Value of total assembly:R-Value of insulation:Skylights in each assembly:U-Value of skylight:total square footage of skylights in each assembly:Exterior Walls (each assembly)Description of assembly:U-Value of total assembly:R-Value of insulation:Openings (windows or doors with glazing):U-Value of assembly:Solar heat gain coefficient:Projection Factor:Door R-Values:Walls below grade(each assembly)Description of assembly:U-Value of total assembly:R-Value of insulation:Floor over unconditioned space(each assembly)Description of assembly:U-Value of total assembly:R-Value of insulation:Floors slab on gradeDescription of assembly:U-Value of total assembly:R-Value of insulation:Horizontal/vertical requirement:Slab heated:Non-Separated Use (508.3)Separated Use (508.4) - See below for area calculations for each story, the area of the occupancy shall be such that the sum of the ratios of the actual floor area of each use divided by the allowable floor area for each use shall not exceed 1. 2018 NC Existing Building Code:(check all that apply)Alteration Level IRenovationShell/CoreHistoric Property1st Time Interior CompletionsPhased Construction - Shell CoreChapter 14Alteration Level IIAlteration Level IIIChange of UseOccupancy Category (Table 1604.5):Current:Proposed:No YesIncidental Uses (Table 509):This separation is not exempt as a Non-Separated Use (see exceptions).Special Uses (Chapter 4 - List Code Sections):Special Provisions (Chapter 5 - List Code Sections):ExteriorExterior wallsIncluding supporting beams and joistsSmoke Partition1Provide code reference if the "Shown on Plans" quantity is not based on Table 504.3 or 504.4.ALLOWABLE AREA (%)DEGREE OF OPENINGS PROTECTION(TABLE 705.8)PERCENTAGE OF WALL OPENING CALCULATIONSFIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE (FEET) FROM PROPERTY LINESACTUAL SHOWN ON PLANS (%)ACCESSIBLE DWELLING UNITS(Section 1107)TOTAL UNITSACCESSIBLE UNITS PROVIDEDTYPE A UNITS REQUIREDTYPE B UNITS PROVIDEDTOTAL ACCESSIBLE UNITS PROVIDEDACCESSIBLE UNITS REQUIREDTYPE A UNITS PROVIDEDTYPE B UNITS REQUIREDUNISEX UNISEXExisting building envelope complies with code: Exempt Building: Provide code or statutory reference: APPENDIX BSelect oneENERGY REQUIREMENTS:The following data shall be considered minimum and any special attribute required to meet the energy code shall also be provided. Each Designer shall furnish the required portions of the project information for the plan data sheet. If performance method, state the annual energy cost for the standard reference design versus the annual energy cost for the proposed design.(If checked, the remainder of this section is not applicable.)PerformancePerformancePrescriptivePrescriptivePerformance (Specify source)STRUCTURAL DESIGN(PROVIDE ON SHEET 1 OR 2 OF THE STRUCTURAL SHEETS)2018 BUILDING CODE SUMMARYFOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTSAPPENDIX BDESIGN LOADS:Importance Factors:Wind (IW)Snow (IS)Seismic (IE)Live Loads:RoofMezzanineFloorGround Snow Load:Wind Load:Basic Wind SpeedExposure CategorySEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY:A CB DProvide the following Seismic Design Parameters:Occupancy Category(Table 1604.5):I IIIII IVSpectral Response AccelerationSSS1Site Classification (ASCE 7)Data Source:A CB DField Test Presumptive Historical DataE FBasic Structural System (check one)Bearing Wall Dual w/Special Moment FrameBuilding Frame Dual w/Intermediate R/C or Special SteelMoment Frame Inverted PendulumAnalysis Procedure:SimplifiedDynamicEquivalent Lateral ForceArchitectural, Mechanical, Components anchored?Yes NoLATERAL DESIGN CONTROL:Earthquake WindSOIL BEARING CAPACITIES:Field Test (provide copy of test report)Presumptive Bearing capacityPile size, type, and capacityMECHANICAL DESIGN(PROVIDE ON THE MECHANICAL SHEETS IF APPLICABLE)MECHANICAL SUMMARY2018 BUILDING CODE SUMMARYFOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTSAPPENDIX BMECHANICAL SYSTEMS, SERVICE SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENTThermal Zonewinter dry bulb:summer dry bulb:Interior design conditionswinter dry bulb:summer dry bulb:relative humidity:Building heating load:Building cooling load:Mechanical Spacing Conditioning SystemUnitary description of unit: heating efficiency: cooling efficiency: size category of unit:Boiler Size category. If oversized, state reason:Chiller Size category. If oversized, state reason:List equipment efficiencies:ELECTRICAL DESIGN(PROVIDE ON THE ELECTRICAL SHEETS IF APPLICABLE)ELECTRICAL SUMMARY2018 BUILDING CODE SUMMARYFOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTSAPPENDIX BELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENTMethod of ComplianceEnergy Code: Prescriptive PerformanceASHRAE 90.1: Prescriptive PerformanceLighting Schedule(each fixture type) lamp type required in fixture number of lamps in fixture ballast type used in the fixture number of ballasts in fixture total wattage per fixture total interior wattage specified versus allowed (whole building or space by space) total exterior wattage specified versus allowedAdditional Prescriptive ComplianceC406.2 More Efficient Mechanical EquipmentC406.3 Reduced Lighting Power DensityC406.4 Enhanced Digital Lighting ControlsC406.5 On-Site Renewable EnergyC406.6 Dedicated Outdoor Air SystemC406.7 Reduced Energy Use in Service Water Heatingpsfpsfpsfpsfmph (ASCE-7)%g%gpsfpsfSEE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSEE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS2013 ASHRAE FUNDAMENTALS, BOONE, NC,HEATING 99.6% / COOLING 1%** Structural fire rating00000000000ORANGE COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES CENTER DEHUMIDIFICATIONHILLSBOROUGHXXXXSALAS OBRIENSALAS OBRIENN/AN/ARODEL DATING, PEADAM SPACH, PEN/AN/A2756532580N/AN/A919-832-8118919-832-8118N/AN/A12345HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINAANGEL BARNES 919-245-2628 ABARNES@ORANGECOUNTYNC.GOV00000000ADAM SPACH, PERODEL.DATING@SALASOBRIEN.COMADAM.SPACH@SALASOBRIEN.COM00000000ORANGE COUNTY027278DocuSign Envelope ID: 7668B866-6C26-485C-9A45-DAAB5D4BD951
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