Orange County NC Website
6 | Page <br /> <br />Implementa tion Plan with the non-competing continuation (NCC) application in that <br />same Budget Period. <br />3. CMS reserves the right to reduce the award amount in subsequent years if the <br />Recipient makes (or requests to make) Substantive Changes to the Implementation <br />Plan that no longer warrant the same level of proposed funding. In addition, failure to <br />obtain prior CMS approval of Substantive Changes to the Implementation Plan could <br />result in restriction of funds and corrective action pursuant to Section 25 (Corrective <br />Action and Termination) of this document. <br /> <br />B. The Operational Plan with corresponding timeline is an annual submission that outlines <br />how the Recipient shall execute during the next Budget Period what is set forth in its <br />CMS-approved Implementation Plan. Among other items, the Operational Plan, <br />timeline , and any documentation supporting the Operational Plan are submitted annually <br />with the NCC Application 75 Days before the end of the current Budget Period. <br /> <br />1. To revise the Operational Plan for the current Budget Period (the version CMS <br />approved during the last NCC Application ), the Recipient must submit a Revision <br />(NoA Other) amendment request in GrantSolutions with supporting budget <br />information and a cover letter signed by the AOR. The request is subject to CMS <br />approval. <br />2. The revised Operational Plan must align with the Recipient’s current CMS-approved <br />Implementation Plan. If the revisions to the Operational Plan will significantly alter <br />the current CMS-approved Implementation P lan, the Recipient shall include both a <br />revised Implementation Plan and Operational Plan through a Change in Scope <br />amendment (see Section 10A InCK Model Implementation Plan and Operational Plan <br />Documents ). <br /> <br />C. GrantSolutions : The Operational Plan submitted with the NCC Application shall be in a <br />narrative format using Microsoft Word and a maximum of 25 pages , and submitted as a <br />standalone document within the NCC Application Kit in GrantSolutions . The <br />corresponding timeline and any documentation supporting the Operational Plan shall be <br />submitted in GrantSolutions as separate attachments within the NCC Application Kit. <br />The timeline and supporting documentation do not count toward the 25-page limit for the <br />Operational Plan narrative. Recipients will receive NCC Application instructions and <br />submission details in advance of the submission deadline. <br /> <br />D. InCK Portal: The Operational P lan, timeline, and any supporting documents will also be <br />submitted through the Milestone Reporting section of the InCK Portal. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 7832B0E4-F34E-430E-A3C2-1A6A14F29307