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1 | Page <br /> <br />Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation <br />Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) Model <br /> <br />Program Terms and Conditions – Model Year 3 (2022) <br />The following definitions apply for purposes of these Program Terms and Conditions : <br /> <br />• Applicant means the entity that responded to the InCK Model Notice of Funding Opportunity <br />by submitting an InCK Model Application via <br />• Application means the InCK Model application submitted by the Applicant in response to the <br />Notice of Funding Opportunity, including any attachments, revisions or amendments thereto, <br />which are hereby approved in writing by CMS. <br />• “Budget P eriod” means the 12-month period beginning January 1 and ending December 31 <br />of each calendar year. <br />• “Cooperative Agreement” means an alternative financial assistance instrument distinguished <br />from a grant in that it provides for substantial involvement between CMS and the recipient in <br />carrying out the activities of the federal award. <br />• “Days” means calendar days, or if a due date falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the next <br />business day. <br />• “Implementation Plan” means the section of the Project Narrative that details a Recipient’s <br />ability to engage state and local community partners to support model implementation, its <br />plan and timeline for achieving the InCK service integration model, and its approach to <br />designing an alternative payment model(s) and supporting model sustainability. <br />• “Model Partners” means subrecipients of the award, such as the state Medicaid agency; <br />Partnership Council members ; service integration coordinators ; and Core Child Service <br />providers. <br />• “Model Year” means the InCK Model’s annual implementation period. <br />• “NCC ” Application stands for “non-competing continuation” application and means a <br />financial assistance request (in the form of an application or a performance or progress <br />report) for the third or any subsequent Budget Period, within a previously appr oved project <br />period, for which the Recipient does not have to c ompete with other applicants . <br />• “N oA” means Notice of Award. <br />• “NOFO” stands for Notice of Funding Opportunity and means the NOFO identified by the <br />funding opportunity number CMS-2B2-20-001. <br />• “Operational Plan” (and corresponding timeline) means an annually submitted plan that <br />outlines how the Recipient shall execute what is set forth in its CMS-approved <br />Implementation Plan during the next Budget Period. <br />• “Program Terms and Conditions” means the InCK Model-specific requirements set forth in <br />this document, whic h is updated and reissued annually. <br />• “Quarter” means one of the four periods of three months each in a Budget Period, as follows: <br />o Quarter 1: January 1-March 31 <br />o Quarter 2: April 1 -June 30 <br />o Quarter 3: July 1-September 30 <br />o Quarter 4: October 1-December 31 <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 7832B0E4-F34E-430E-A3C2-1A6A14F29307