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NC Integrated Care for Kids Service Integration Coordinator Statement of Work <br /> <br />Glossary <br />Service Integration Coordinator (SIC); Integrated Care for Kids (InCK). <br /> <br />Problem Statement <br />The goal of the North Carolina Integrated Care for Kids Model (NC InCK) is to provide efficient, optimal <br />physical and behavioral healthcare for children ages birth to 21 who receive services through North <br />Carolina’s Medicaid or CHIP program. Children must live in one of five NC counties to enroll in NC <br />InCK – Alamance, Durham, Granville, Orange or Vance. <br /> <br />A Service Integration Coordinator (SIC) is an educated professional with an innovative mindset who <br />provides strategic coordination of care management services so that child serving systems are aligned and <br />identified children have a Single Plan of Care. A Service Integration Coordinator (SIC) should have <br />experience in coordination of care activities, care management or case management. This role will be <br />responsible for a range of care coordination support on behalf of children in the InCK model- and <br />systems-level support to better integrate key services for children and families in InCK’s 5-county region. <br />The SIC will also serve as a knowledgeable resource for the broader InCK team on the sector they <br />represent (early childhood, child welfare, behavioral health, etc.) and serve as a proponent of InCK’s <br />work to improve care coordination for children within their hiring institution. Through this role, the SIC <br />will be an integral part of an interdisciplinary team of authorized clinicians, care managers, case <br />managers, social service providers, and care givers, working to improve the health status and transitions <br />of care to achieve optimal clinical and child well-being outcomes. <br /> <br />Goals <br />1. During years NC InCK planning 2020 and 2021, the SIC staffed the hiring organization or agency <br />will be onboarded to the NC InCK model and receive training on their roles. SICs will support <br />model development through their expertise in their own sector as well as any relevant past <br />experience. The on-boarding of SICs will be supported by the UNC National Implementation <br />Research Network. <br />2. During the implementation period of the model (2022-2026), the SIC will perform the following <br />activities: <br />a. Identify, record and maintain relevant contact information and work with a Single Point <br />of Contact for integrated care coordination or case management across healthcare and <br />social services sectors for children requiring multiple services or who are at risk of out of <br />home placement. <br />b. Assist in the development of a Shared Action Plan for children with higher medical and <br />social needs with common goals determined by families and key stakeholders supporting <br />the family. Monitor services, make referrals and assess progress of children toward their <br />Shared Action Plan goals. <br />c. Use a patient-centric, collaborative partnership approach in all model activities. <br />d. Monitor quality and effectiveness of interventions to the population by setting long term <br />and/or short-term specific, measurable goal(s). <br />e. Electronically document all activity in relevant documentation systems. <br />f. Communicate and coordinate with the child’s Single Point of Contact as needed to <br />minimize fragmented care and foster appropriate utilization of services. <br />g. Provide on-site, community, and telephonic outreach to families, providers, and <br />community stakeholders to advance NC InCK model goals and supported initiatives (e.g., <br />stakeholder or parental training programs). <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 7832B0E4-F34E-430E-A3C2-1A6A14F29307