Orange County NC Website
Boards and Commissions Represented at this meeting: <br /> Board Name Representative(s) Presenting <br /> Orange County Board of Adjustment Leon Meyers <br /> Orange Unified Transportation Board Erik Broo <br /> Orange County Planning Board Lamar Proctor <br /> Economic Development Advisory Board Estella Johnson <br /> Chapel Hill Orange County Visitors Bureau Advisory Board Sharon Hill <br /> & Laurie Paolicelli <br /> Human Relations Commission Frances Castillo <br /> Orange County Housing Authority Board Corey Root <br /> Affordable Housing Advisory Board Jenn Sykes <br /> Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Tony DuBois <br /> Animal Services Advisory Board Ed Tiryakian <br /> & Bryan Stuart <br /> Tara May introduced the item. <br /> Leon Meyers presented for the Board of Adjustment. He said the Board of Adjustment <br /> met six times in the last year or so, for one work session, one orientation, one appeal case, two <br /> variance cases, and a virtual meeting to approve minutes. He said there were issues with staff <br /> support, which the Planning Director corrected. He said there is a regular member who has not <br /> had any communication with the Board of Adjustment for over a year. He said that it was <br /> important to move the alternates into regular member seats and to fill the alternate positions, so <br /> the Board of Adjustment can operate. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked what are the kinds of things that the Board of Adjustment <br /> would take up. <br /> Leon Meyers said the Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial board and it was created <br /> by the North Carolina General Statutes and the Unified Development Ordinance (LIDO). He <br /> said that it handles appeals of decisions that staff make, variances from the requirements of the <br /> LIDO, and a narrow class of special use permits. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked about issues with the UDO and if it is handled <br /> separately, or if it were collectively something the county would look at in the LIDO. <br /> Leon Meyers said the Board of Adjustment is not involved with the LIDO, except as a <br /> distant advisory board. <br /> Erik Broo presented for the Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUT Board). He said <br /> they have met five times and that the virtual meetings helped with a quorum. He said that the <br /> major thing they did in 2021 was to make recommendations on the Orange County CTP. He <br /> said they review NCDOT projects in Orange County at every meeting. He said they review the <br /> Burlington Graham MPO 2045 MTP update. He said they get updates from Nish Trivedi and his <br /> staff about projects, and they offer feedback. He said they meet regularly with TAS. He said <br /> they pursue the non STIP items that are outside of NCDOT's realm and those can be <br /> accomplished din a timelier manner. He said they monitor local and regional plans, like <br /> Robeson county's goal to have traffic fatalities at zero. He said the board looks at other <br /> community plans to determine if they are good fit for Orange County. He said they use the <br /> website to push information out and solicit feedback. He said they are actively trying to support <br /> multi-modal transportation projects, and this is a challenge. He said that everyone wants bike <br /> lanes, but they have to be called 4-ft shoulders to be able to meet the guidelines. He said in <br /> 2022, they are going to look at the US 70 multi-modal corridor study. He said they will continue <br /> to look at the DCHC 2050 transportation plan and they are also awaiting the DOTMSTA study. <br /> He said the Grady Brown and Cedar Ridge High Schools are included in the area of the <br />