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15 <br /> The following individual is presented for Board consideration: <br /> NAME POSITION TYPE OF EXPIRATION <br /> DESCRIPTION APPOINTMENT DATE <br /> TERM <br /> Statler Gilfillen Eno Township First Full Term 03/31/2025 <br /> BOCC At-Large First Full Term 03/31/2025 <br /> Appointment <br /> If the individuals listed above are appointed, no vacancies remain. <br /> Tara May introduced the item. She said that Statler Gilfillen was previously appointed to <br /> an at-large position, but staff requested that he be moved to the Eno Township position, which <br /> would leave his current position vacant. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the reasoning was because there were no other <br /> applicants for the Eno Township position. <br /> Tara May said yes. She said three applicants for the At-Large position have indicated <br /> that they are no longer interested in being on the Planning Board. <br /> Commissioner Greene suggested Elizabeth Bronson for the At-Large position. <br /> Chair Price said she was interested in appointing Steve Kaufman. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he was interested in appointing Elizabeth Bronson. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she also was interested in Jeff Scott. She said this is a <br /> board that needs diversity. <br /> The Board agreed by consensus on Statler Gilfillen and Elizabeth Bronson. <br /> 5. Arts Commission —Appointment Discussion <br /> The Board discussed an appointment to the Arts Commission. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Arts Commission recommends strategies to promote the artistic and <br /> cultural growth of Orange County, advises the Board of Commissioners on matters involving the <br /> arts, and acts as the granting panel for funding programs available to individual artists and non- <br /> profit groups sponsoring arts projects in Orange County. <br /> The Board of County Commissioners appoints all fifteen (15) At-Large members. <br /> The following individual is recommended for Board consideration: <br /> NAME SPECIAL TYPE OF EXPIRATION <br /> REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENT DATE <br /> TERM <br /> Mark Bett er At-Large Partial Term 03/31/2023 <br /> If the individuals listed above are appointed, no vacancies remain. <br /> Tara May introduced the item. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she noticed several positions will be available in the next <br /> six months. She asked for the process for filling those vacancies. <br /> Tara May described the process for asking for recommendations from advisory boards. <br /> She said that she contacts staff quarterly to let them know which terms are expiring in hopes of <br />