Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> Slide #15 <br /> Questions/Discussion <br /> DC SKILLS DEVELOiPMENTCLASSRO KAS <br /> _:. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> rrrrRrEi c=.aROi_]NA <br /> Commissioner Richards asked about the increased site water and sewer increase. <br /> Steve Arndt said it was a surprising increase that can be attributed to the labor shortage <br /> and the fact that increased demand for services allow contractors to choose projects with more <br /> flexibility. He said staff worked diligently to get multiple bids for all of the packages. He said that <br /> these numbers are the best they can do at this time. <br /> Commissioner Richards said it creates a confidence issue in the numbers and makes <br /> her worry about other numbers. She asked about the "not to exceed amount". <br /> Steve Arndt said the GMP, or guaranteed maximum price, is Barnhill Construction <br /> guaranteeing that this is the top dollar amount the county will be charged for the project. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked what the contingency is in the budget. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said it is 5%, which is the standard. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if it is 5% or $5 million in contingency. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said it is 5%. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if shelling out the facilities would affect functionality. <br /> Steve Arndt said yes. He said the facilities would be without carpet, paint, lights, and <br /> furnishing and would ultimately have to be finished at a later date. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said if the facility isn't functional, then costs will still be incurred <br /> from renting the space for the skills center. She said by shelling it out, the whole reason the <br /> county wants the building, for a library and skills center, would not be achieved. She said that <br /> option would essentially be building parking. She said that during a previous presentation, there <br /> was an option to reduce the size of the parking deck in order to reduce costs. She asked if that <br /> was still an option. <br /> Steve Arndt said it's not on the table at this time, and the Board at the time decided not <br /> to move forward with that cost saving option. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said anything is an option that the Board would like staff to work <br /> on. She said there aren't many options left now because the project has been completely value <br /> engineered, but anything the Board directs between now and March 15th when this comes back <br />