Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> Slide #9 <br /> Recommendations <br /> AdvancingSEl and as a lever far <br /> Creating Equity and Excriirnce <br /> Mental Health SEL Speckallsis (3) Additional Supports <br /> Speclailcis ATM <br /> _. ! ► <br /> Dr. Charlos Banks said that they are focused on implementing SEL services and they <br /> are asking for seven mental health specialists to serve all grades. She said they are also asking <br /> for supports of professional learning, curriculum development, and program evaluation. <br /> Slide #10 <br /> PerformanceKey <br /> $Et Universal Screener Student Surveys <br /> Servioe Access and Delivery Measures by Student Groups <br /> Measure of student referrals for specific infractionsto be determined <br /> by Assessment and Research Department <br /> Strength and Dlfficultles Questionnaire ora similar instrument <br /> CRAPEL HILL <br /> Dr. Charlos Banks discussed the performance indicators they will be using to justify and <br /> measure the request for those positions. <br /> Dr. Monique Felder, Orange County Schools Superintendent, made the following <br /> presentation: <br />