Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> b. Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools— <br /> Dr. Nyah Hamlett, Superintendent, made the following presentation: <br /> Slide #1: <br /> SAP L HILL <br /> ZC ARMBOR <br /> fis17Y SCHOOLS <br /> a , <br /> Feblrua 22 202 <br /> Recommended Spending Plan for Orange County <br /> Mental Health and Achievement Grant <br /> Slide #2 <br /> Grant Overview <br /> ■ 5i nct COVID -19,setiool dlslrlcts across the country have <br /> been chalenged wllh provlding supports to address <br /> mental heahh needs and achievement gaps, <br /> • 4 <br /> The 2021-22 Chapel HYI Board of Education's <br /> Approved Budget Request presented to the Orange <br /> C E unty BCCC conta in an expansion budget requesl of <br /> $1 million for a¢ditionel resources Io address the Mental <br /> Health and SocYel Emodonal Learnin-g Supports. <br /> In October of 2921, BOCC provides additional funding <br /> for l}atFt School Dislricts to suppvrl Mental Health and <br /> StuHent Achlewernsnt Gap lnilNaNaes. Based on ADM <br /> provlded by NCDPI, CHCCS was awarded$-959,0W. <br /> Dr. Hamlett read quotes from principals regarding the increased mental health needs <br /> they see in their student populations. She said they are focused on wellness for employees and <br /> students. <br />