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13 <br /> Commissioner Richards asked Orange County Schools where they were in the <br /> implementation of the plan for behavioral health and the SEL. <br /> Dr. Felder said that the initiatives are underway now and some are scheduled for next <br /> year. She said those include identifying SEL curriculum for students. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she would like to know what is in place now and what is <br /> scheduled for next year, in detail and if that could be provided to the Commissioners later. <br /> Sherita Cobb said that the presentation included what they are doing now and that next <br /> semester they are looking to remain consistent in their social and emotional learning curriculum. <br /> She said they want to find something that works for Orange County schools. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked Dr. Charlos Banks of Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools <br /> for similar information on the timeframe for their proposal. <br /> Dr. Banks said that in 2020 the process was identified and included the SEL screener. <br /> She said they also had in place curriculum for social emotion learning. She said they have also <br /> had a collocated mental health service. She said that this includes youth first aid, crisis <br /> prevention, and a district-wide training on resiliency. She said they implemented the mental <br /> health specialist position in high school full time. She said they have been successfully able to <br /> conduct the SEL readiness analysis. She said there is a comprehensive next steps report. She <br /> said that all staff will complete mental health professional development. She said they are also <br /> working on implementing a community wide engagement. She said there needs to be high <br /> school learning curriculum identified to support students. She said it needs to be integrated in <br /> academic instruction. She said that they are looking to expand the mental health support <br /> specialist positions in the elementary and middle school levels. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked each school district if they have a definition of social <br /> emotional learning. She asked what the curriculum for social emotional learning looks like in <br /> the schools. She asked if it would be for all students and if it would be a separate class. She <br /> asked for an estimate of how many students fall into each tier. <br /> Dr. Felder said that social emotional learning or SEL, is a process where they help <br /> students gain and apply skills that help them manage their emotions, achieve goals, be able to <br /> show empathy and make caring decisions. She said that SEL and academic achievement go <br /> hand in hand. <br /> Dr. Hamlett said that social emotional learning is explicitly taught and is embedded in <br /> the instructional framework for the school district. She said that it is not a separate class but <br /> that it is imbedded in the curriculum. She said they include relationship and soft skills that are <br /> needed to interact with others. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if every classroom was doing this. <br /> Dr. Felder said that every classroom is the goal. She said that she knows that it is a <br /> deliberate focus from both districts to have it in every classroom. <br /> Dr. Banks said an example is that morning classes start with morning gatherings and <br /> check-ins before the lesson is started. She said that it provides an opportunity to give students <br /> a voice so that teachers can attend to those needs. She said that social awareness is being <br /> aware of the world around them and expanding that understanding of themselves and others in <br /> their overall surroundings. She said that all learning is social and emotional. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if things have become too academic. She said that <br /> emphasizing social and emotional development is important before learning other things. She <br /> asked how many vacancies are in the positions that Orange County and Chapel Hill Carrboro <br /> have. <br /> Dr. Felder said they have fifty-three vacant positions. She said the school system has <br /> about 1,100 positions. She said that they started the school year with more vacancies than ever <br /> before. <br />