Agenda 04-05-22; 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-05-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda 04-05-22; 8-a - Minutes
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3/31/2022 3:10:01 PM
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3/31/2022 3:18:38 PM
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Minutes 04-05-2022 Business Meeting
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2 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee said he requested the Board go back to meeting in public <br /> 2 several months ago and expressed thanks to the Board for this return tonight. He said he <br /> 3 appreciates the decision made today to revise the mask mandates and he believes this is the <br /> 4 right step. He said he intended to ask for an addition to the agenda this evening for a public <br /> 5 discussion on when and how to end the mask mandate but that was circumvented by the <br /> 6 decision today. <br /> 7 Commissioner Richards said today is the start of Women's History Month and <br /> 8 seconded Chair Price's comments regarding the Board of Commissioners having six women <br /> 9 members for the first time in its history. She said she looks forward to reading the press release <br /> 10 tomorrow on the changes to the mandate and expressed thanks to Chair Price and other local <br /> 11 leaders for moving the county forward. <br /> 12 Commissioner Bedford had no comments. <br /> 13 Commissioner Hamilton thanked members of the public who shared their views on the <br /> 14 mask mandate with the Board. She said the Board received emails encouraging the removal of <br /> 15 the mask mandate, as well as maintaining protections. She said that no matter what perspective <br /> 16 was shared, it was clear how difficult life has been for everyone during the pandemic. She said <br /> 17 that the frustrations of the guidelines not being communicated clearly has added to everyone's <br /> 18 suffering. She said she serves on a subcommittee of the Board of Health that reviewed the <br /> 19 current CDC guidelines to assess the relevance for the community. She said that the <br /> 20 subcommittee determined the guidelines were useful for determining when to end local mask <br /> 21 mandates. She explained that local data was also reviewed, which showed that Orange County <br /> 22 is moving in the right direction, and that local mandates would likely be lifted within a week. She <br /> 23 said that this is consistent with the decision made today. She noted that COVID-19 is still <br /> 24 circulating in the community, and many people will continue to wear masks out of necessity. <br /> 25 She encouraged respect for those who continue to wear masks. She noted the importance of <br /> 26 the number of hospitalizations being used as a metric to determine when to lift the mask <br /> 27 mandate. She explained that if hospitals are filled with COVID patients or there are staffing <br /> 28 shortages, it makes it harder for patients with other issues to be served. She said that she <br /> 29 thinks it is important to follow guidelines. She said it is unknown if there will be more variants. <br /> 30 She said she will advocate for a more transparent approach to making the decisions. She said <br /> 31 the decision-making power should be expanded beyond the chairs and the mayors and should <br /> 32 include the boards and councils. <br /> 33 Commissioner Greene commended Carrboro for being recognized as one of the top <br /> 34 five small arts communities in the country. She said that the North Carolina Association of <br /> 35 County Commissioners (NCACC) is continuing its series of webinars on strategies for using the <br /> 36 opioid settlement money. She shared that she moderated one of the sessions yesterday about <br /> 37 how to work with justice-involved individuals. She said a lot involved the FIT program and it was <br /> 38 very rewarding and useful. <br /> 39 Commissioner Fowler said she attended the ABC Board meeting on February 22nd. <br /> 40 She said that they increased their minimum wage to meet the new living wage criteria and <br /> 41 adjusted other salaries to address compression. She said they want to revisit raising the <br /> 42 General Manager's salary and will be bringing a formal request to the Board. She said that they <br /> 43 heard presentations from various community organizations that work to address substance <br /> 44 abuse. She said that the presenter from Campus and Community Collision pointed out that <br /> 45 excessive drinking leads to $111 billion costs to community. She said she appreciates the <br /> 46 opinions and comments of the public but that she believes the mandate should be based on <br /> 47 data with clear criteria. She said this decision was made by the Chair and mayors, with input <br /> 48 from the health department, and they used guidelines rather than opinions. She said that the <br /> 49 CDC website is changing daily. She said that she believes the county will be in a "safe" range to <br /> 50 make masks recommended rather than required by March 7, 2022. She noted that the schools <br /> 51 have a lot of vacancies and few substitutes to fill those needs. She said that the current <br />
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