Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Review of East 54 Condominiums <br /> On June 8, a formal appeal of a property located at East 54 Condominiums brought forth <br /> the fact that there was a notable difference in fair market values of the condo units in the <br /> referenced buildings that face the golf course versus the units that face the parking lot. <br /> The Tax Office researched the issue and found that there was a need to review a total of 92 <br /> properties to determine more equitable valuations for the properties. At the August 12 <br /> Board of Equalization and Review meeting the Board directed the Tax Office to make <br /> ecessary corrections to these properties and their values to be consistent with the action <br /> taken on the appeal from June 8. <br /> 92 properties were reviewed, with 72 properties decreasing in value, 19 increasing in value <br /> and 1 no change. Value notices were mailed September 7. The overall change in value for <br /> the affected condominiums was a reduction of $1 ,936,600. <br /> As in the case of the Northside Review, the information provided by the property owners <br /> who appealed their values and provided information previously unknown to the Tax Office <br /> was the key to making the adjustments to more equitably value these properties. <br />