Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> • Parks and Recreation Facility Renovations and Repairs - $180,000 <br /> Funding of$180,000 is recommended in FY 2022-23 for ongoing safety, lighting/energy, park <br /> infrastructure, signage, preventive maintenance, and landscape improvements to the <br /> County's seven parks. Each year, park and recreation equipment and facilities need <br /> renovation, safety improvements, repair, replacement, and upgrades. This project provides <br /> for a scheduled and prioritized funding source for these needs identified in the 2030 Parks & <br /> Recreation Master Plan process. <br /> Lake Orange Dam Rehabilitation -$280,000 <br /> Lake Orange is a Class II public water supply reservoir owned by Orange County. The lake's <br /> primary uses are to serve as a public water supply and to maintain minimum flows in the Eno <br /> River as defined within the Eno River Water Management Plan. <br /> The Lake Orange dam was classified by North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ) <br /> as a "High Hazard" dam in August 2011. This designation means that failure of the dam could <br /> result in severe property damage and/or possible loss of life downstream. In 2018, NCDEQ and <br /> a private engineering firm conducted inspections of the dam that identified deficiencies in this <br /> 54 year old structure. <br /> The County retained professional services in early 2022 to review and prioritize repairs of the <br /> dam, intake tower, erosion control barrier, emergency spillway, and concrete spillway channel. <br /> The FY2022-23 CIP recommends structural point repairs within and along the existing concrete <br /> spillway channel and a full perimeter survey of the Lake Orange shoreline, for a total amount of <br /> $280,000. Future fiscal year funding will be recommended to replace the existing intake tower <br /> and the existing concrete spillway channel. This project currently represents the full cost of these <br /> repairs, but the County will seek federal infrastructure grants to reduce the County's costs. <br /> Vehicle Replacements-$1.4 million <br /> The Capital Investment Plan is also used to procure replacement vehicles used by County <br /> Departments. A total of $1,420,671 is recommended in FY 2022-23 to replace several public <br /> safety related vehicles, a remount of an Animal Control vehicle, one (1) new ambulance, three <br /> (3) administrative vehicles for Emergency Services, three (3) AMS facility maintenance vehicles, <br /> one (1) DEAPR vehicle, one (1) DSS vehicle and three (3) health vehicles. Funding for Sheriff <br /> vehicle replacements was sized to be able to replace fifteen (15)vehicles each year until FY 2027- <br /> 28, to decrease the average age of the fleet. $1.3 million of this total is county funded and the <br /> additional $106,631 will be grant funded. <br /> The Vehicle Replacement project also includes an additional Emergency Management Pickup <br /> Truck funded by a Homeland Security Grant and the Town of Hillsborough-funded fire marshal <br /> vehicle ($106,631 in total), which was not able to be purchased in FY 2021-22. The terms of the <br /> contract with Hillsborough provide $9,000 each year to collect in this project to eventually <br /> purchase a replacement Fire Marshal vehicle when needed. <br /> Page 1 10 <br />