Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> • Results of the Northside Appeals <br /> After revaluation notices were mailed, Tax Office was made aware of inconsistencies in <br /> the valuation of properties identified in Chapel Hill's Northside Neighborhood <br /> Conservation District and Carrboro's Lloyd/Broad Neighborhood Preservation District. <br /> There were 191 informal appeals and 51 formal appeals in the identified areas. 23 of <br /> the formal appeals were the result of an informal appeal. <br /> At the informal level, there was a net reduction of $7,859,135. 155 parcels had a <br /> reduction, with the average amount of $71 ,925. 31 increased in value, average of <br /> $106,100. 5 properties had no change. <br /> Of these 51 formal appeals there was a net decrease of $1 ,882,500. 35 of the <br /> properties decreased in value, 15 increased in value, and 1 had no change. The <br /> Average decrease was $86,217 and the average increase was $75,673. <br /> On July 28, the Tax Office requested that the Board of Equalization and Review <br /> exercise its power and duties as noted in NC General Statute 105-322 (g) (1 ) (b,c,d) <br /> and requested the Tax Office review the remaining approximately 472 properties in the <br /> identified areas that had not been appealed and make any necessary corrections to <br /> these properties and their values to be consistent with the actions taken on properties <br /> that were informally or formally appealed. <br />