Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Further Appeals : North Carolina Property Tax <br /> Commission <br /> Property owners who are not satisfied with the decision of the BOER have the right to appeal <br /> to the North Carolina Property Tax Commission (NCPTC) within 30 days of the Date of the <br /> Notice of Decision received in response to the BOER Hearing. <br /> The NCPTC requires that the appellant send notice of their intent to appeal the BOER <br /> de ision to the NCPTC and the County. Additionally the NCPTC requires that the appellant <br /> end them a copy of the BOER notice, and complete/return a form AV-14, which is provided <br /> by the NCPTC when the appeal is received. <br /> There were 12 appeals for 2021 values to the Property Tax Commission including a total of <br /> 20 parcels. Three properties owned by one appellant have been dismissed due to <br /> untimeliness. None of the properties appealed were in the Northside Review area. <br /> The average number of appeals to the NCPTC for the last three years is seven. In <br /> comparison, in 2017, the last revaluation year, there were 29 appeals to the NCPTS. <br />