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Comprehensive Plan. <br />A) A rezoning is justified to correct a manifest error. <br />Staff Comment: We believe the information in the record to date can be summarized as follows: <br />Argurrrents in Support: We were unable to identify any arguments in support of a manifest error. <br />Arguments in Opposition: The adjacent properties to this site are located within the Residential- <br />1 zoning district. We do not believe that the current Residential-1 zoning of this site is a <br />manifest error. <br />f3) A rezoning is justified because of changed or changing conditions in a particular area or <br />in the jurisdiction generally. <br />Staff Connnent: We believe the information in the record thus far can be summarized as follows: <br />Arguments in Support: We were unable to identify any arguments in support of changing <br />conditions in the vicinity of the site. <br />Arguments in Opposition: The area in the immediate vicinity of the site has retained its low <br />density development, We do not believe that conditions have changed in this area. <br />C) A rezoning is justified to achieve the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Staff Comment: We believe the information in the record thus far can be summarized as follows: <br />Arguments in Support: Arguments in support of this finding as offered in the attached applicant's <br />Statement of .Tustification can be summarized as follows: <br />"This project will: <br />Add 12 single-family homes and 5 rental units for disabled and/or elderly citizens. All of the <br />units will be affordable for 99 yeazs to households earning at or below 50% of the area <br />median income," [Applicant's StatenzentJ <br />• "Further extend sanitary sewer in the Rogers Road community and make sewer easily <br />accessible to the portion of the Greene Tract (approximately 18 acres) that has been <br />designated for affordable housing," [Applicant's Statement) <br />Contribute to a mix of housing in the Rogers Road community, which is already comprised of <br />a mix of mobile homes, twelve recently constructed Habitat for Humanity Orange County <br />single-family homes, a number of modest older single-family homes, and a range of more <br />expensive single-family homes," [Applicant's Statement) <br />