Agenda 04-05-22; 4-c - Presentation of Manager’s Recommended FY 2022-32 Capital Investment Plan (CIP)
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Agenda - 04-05-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda 04-05-22; 4-c - Presentation of Manager’s Recommended FY 2022-32 Capital Investment Plan (CIP)
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3/31/2022 3:06:28 PM
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3/31/2022 2:52:11 PM
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Agenda for April 5, 2022 BOCC Meeting
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10 <br /> and site grading changes. The project has been let for bid two times and has been value <br /> engineered to only include the core project scope. Both bids were over the amount currently <br /> authorized. Based on that information, the FY2022-23 CIP recommends adding $345,000 to <br /> the existing project budget in order to complete the project. <br /> Information Technology <br /> Significant information technology and communication improvements are financed through the <br /> Capital Investment Plan. These projects maintain and expand the capabilities of the County's <br /> current information technology infrastructure, employ new technologies to better meet the <br /> needs of County residents, protect and secure critical data and systems, and improve internal <br /> operating efficiencies. <br /> • Information Technology Infrastructure Initiatives - $1,281,556 <br /> The FY2022-23 CIP recommends$1,281,556 in Information Technology related infrastructure <br /> investments such as security improvements, server upgrades, desktop and laptop <br /> replacements, data storage, and network improvements. Of the total funding recommended <br /> in FY2022-23, $681,556 will be used to replace an estimated 187 laptops that are over six (6) <br /> years old, and replace an estimated 232 desktops, that are over seven (7) years old. <br /> Recognizing the need for operational flexibility and the continuation of hybrid work <br /> opportunities, fifty percent (50%) of the desktops will be replaced with laptops. <br /> • Register of Deeds Automation - $80,000 <br /> The Register of Deeds Automation project is funded using automation fees that are <br /> specifically designated by State Statute to improve technology capabilities in the Register of <br /> Deeds Office. Each year, the County budgets $80,000 which is allowed to accumulate over <br /> time to make significant technology investments. <br /> Parks, Open Space, and Trail Development <br /> The Board has consistently funded projects for parks, open space, farmland preservation, and <br /> trail development intended to preserve natural areas of the County and promote nature activities <br /> for County residents. Funding recommendations in this category are generally guided by the <br /> Parks and Open Space Master Plan, as well as the individual master plans that have been adopted <br /> and periodically updated for each park property. The FY2022-23 CIP recommends funding for <br /> the following projects: <br /> • Blackwood Farm Park—$310,000 <br /> Blackwood Farm Park is a 152 acre regional park between Chapel Hill and Hillsborough on NC <br /> Highway 86 and New Hope Church Road. A variety of improvements are currently underway <br /> to install turn lanes and improve the entryway and parking lot areas. The current phase of <br /> development will also add a new picnic shelter, restrooms, amphitheater, disc golf course, <br /> and repair and renovate the farmstead. <br /> The FY2022-23 CIP recommends $200,000 to remediate the Homestead. The CIP also <br /> recommends$110,000 to begin the design process for Phase 3 construction. Phase 3 includes <br /> Page 18 <br />
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