Orange County NC Website
Revised 06/21 <br />3 <br />functional performance tests for the dedicated outside air unit and exhaust fan(s). Perform <br />testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) measurements of exhaust air volume and outside <br />air deliver volume and measure the building pressurization relative to outside air <br />conditions. Building Envelope RCx Services to include: Review all available pertinent <br />documents including design documents for the original construction and renovation, <br />investigative reports, and building envelope component submittals. Conduct a visual roof <br />assembly inspection including coping, transitions, counter flashing, and trim pieces. <br />Conduct a visual building envelope assessment per ASTM E 1186 guidelines including <br />building component intersections, penetrations and chases, and mechanical equipment. <br />Perform a building pressurization (blower door) test per ASTM E 779 guidelines. Where <br />possible, an infrared camera and synthetic fog will be used to identify air leakage sites. <br />Perform RILEM Tube Testing at two locations one each elevation of the exterior block <br />walls. The RILEM test measures the water absorption properties of the waterproof <br />sealant applied to the exterior of the building. Perform four window water infiltration <br />tests per AAMA501.2 guidelines. This test necessitates the removal of the interior <br />gypsum around the window to observe potential water intrusion. MBP shall provide a <br />final report consisting of our design analysis, results of functional performance testing <br />and TAB measurements, and corrective action recommendations. The report will also <br />include results of the HBPS building envelope investigation and testing including <br />documentation of air infiltration pathways and any code deficiencies in the building <br />envelope and roofing systems. HPBS will also provide recommendations to improve the <br />building envelope performance and to prevent future moisture and comfort issues. MBP <br />shall provide lift as per proposal for which an additional $1500 has been included in the <br />overall project costs. <br /> <br />4. Duration of Services <br /> <br />a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from March 28, 2022 to July 31, 2022. <br /> <br />b. Scheduling of Services. <br />i) The Provider shall schedule and perform its activities in a timely manner. <br /> <br />ii) Should the County determine that the Provider is behind schedule, it may require <br />the Provider to expedite and accelerate its efforts, including providing additional <br />resources and working overtime, as necessary, to perform its services in <br />accordance with the approved project schedule at no additional cost to the <br />County. <br /> <br />iii) The Commencement Date for the Provider's Basic Services shall be March 28, <br />2022. <br /> <br />5. Compensation <br /> <br />a. Compensation for Basic Services. Compensation for Basic Services shall include all <br />compensation due the Provider from the County for all services satisfactorily (as <br />determined by the County) performed pursuant to this Agreement. The maximum <br />amount payable for Basic Services shall not exceed Twenty-Seven Thousand, One <br />Hundred Ten Dollars ($27,110.00). Payment for satisfactorily performed Basic Services <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0DFBBD4D-198E-4270-BF28-A2F59EADA030