Orange County NC Website
ASSOCIATION FORTHE PRESERVATION OH THE ENO R1VH,R VALLEY <br />4419 Guess Road, Durham, NC 27712 <br />Ph: (9l9) 620-9099 www..enoriver org Fax:(919) 477-0448 <br />September 15, 2003 <br />Margaret Brown, Chart <br />Orange County Commissioners <br />P. O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />RE: PmRecting Osage County lands <br />Madam Chair, <br />1n June I wrote to ask for assistance from Osage County in protecting two precious tracts of <br />undeveloped land along the Eno River, I understand that projects h7ce this will be taken up by the <br />Board of C ~r++**+Q~ionecs is October. It is our hope that you will carefiilly consider our request at <br />that time, I azn enclosing a copy of my letter of June 9, 2003 for your review and use. <br />Since thaz time we have borrowed $1.S million in order w purchase and protect the Poplaz Ridge <br />tract. We still expect to be able to sell the tract to the State for inclusion in the Eno River State <br />Park The funding gap is currently approximately $90,000. Orange County's commitment of <br />$30,000 will help to close that gap and therefore to protect the Pophur Ridge tract. <br />'The State is still securing funding for the Eno Wilderness tract.. We anticipate a closing on that <br />pact prior to the end of the yeaz, az which time we have committed to give the State $50,000, <br />Again, we ask thaz Orange County to partner with us and appropriate $25,000 towazds the <br />purchase, to help keep it undeveloped as part of the Eno River State Pazk. <br />The Eno River State Park protects open space, sites of unique biological importance and drinking <br />water sources for the Triangle. In addition it athacts visitors to Orange County and provides <br />recreational resourres for residents.. <br />ff you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me; I will be happy to provide you <br />with any additional information you would like. <br />Sincerely yours, <br />~~~ ~~~- <br />Don Moffitt <br />President <br />ce: John M. Link, Jr., County Manager <br />David Stanch, I?ireetor, ERCD <br />The Association (nr the Preservation afthr Eon Rivcr t/afler also known m tGe 'Bm> Xiver Association,' root orguni¢rd nr J )G~ <br />and ineo parared in 1975 as o tux-ev~empt, non y>rofit corporation to carsen~e and protect the nmrvul. hi,trnri<ol, a+rd culnrrnl <br />reso+uceo of rhr Eno River Basin. <br />