Orange County NC Website
Slide #6 <br /> 1995 2020 2045 <br /> UniversizyUke:4.50 million pl Ion s <br /> Cane Creek Re5,ervoir:3 billion gallons <br /> LM <br /> Quarry Reservoir Phase 2: 1.5 blllion gal Ion: <br /> Jordan Lake Allocation,750 mill Ion gallons <br /> Ruth Rouse said that OWASA has traditionally proactively planned. She said that the <br /> Cane Creek Reservoir was identified as a water supply before OWASA was formed and came <br /> online 20 years afterwards. She said the existing quarry was planned in the 1990's and will not <br /> come to fruition until 2030-2035. She said that they have had a Jordan Lake allocation since <br /> 1988 but there is no guaranteed way to get the water from the lake so if it is ever needed, there <br /> may be no way of accessing it. <br /> Slide #7 <br /> Jordan Labe later <br /> Quality <br /> • Hundreds of thousands of <br /> people drink treated water <br /> from Jordan Lake daily <br /> • Reviewed drinking water <br /> quality from Cary and Chatham <br /> County <br /> • Drinking water fromJordan <br /> Lake meets all State and federal <br /> criteria <br /> • Proposed WTP being designed - <br /> to remove contaminants of <br /> emerging concern <br />