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49 <br /> Section II <br /> +3.17%. The district's eleventh elementary school,Northside Elementary School, opened in <br /> 2013. Capacity was decreased in 2017-18 due to changes in class size averages for kindergarten <br /> to third grade by the North Carolina State Legislature. The need for an additional elementary <br /> school is not anticipated in the 10-year projection period. This is similar to last year's <br /> projections. <br /> Although not included in SAPFO school capacity or membership numbers, Pre-K programs <br /> continue to impact operations at District elementary schools where Pre-K programs exist. <br /> CHCCS reported 222 Pre-K students for the 2021-22 school year. Specific impacts of Pre-K <br /> programs at the elementary school level continue to be reviewed and discussed . <br /> Middle <br /> The previous year(2020-21)projections for November 2021 for this level were overestimated by <br /> 72 students. The actual membership decreased by 115 students. Over the previous ten years, this <br /> level has shown varying increases before experiencing decreases in 2015-16 and 2016-17. <br /> Following these decreases, membership increased the last three school years before experiencing <br /> a decrease in 2020-21 due to impacts from COVID. Growth rates during this time period have <br /> ranged from -4.17% to+3.78%. Capacity was increased in 2014-15 with the opening of the <br /> Culbreth Middle School science wing. The need for an additional middle school is not <br /> anticipated in the 10-year projection period. This is similar to last year's projections. <br /> High School <br /> The previous year(2020-21) projections for November 2021 for this level were underestimated <br /> by 36 students. The actual membership increased by 8 students. Over the previous ten years, <br /> growth has been variable with decreases in membership in only four of the last ten years. <br /> Growth rates during this time period have ranged from-0.90 to +4.39%. The need for additional <br /> high school capacity at Carrboro High School is not anticipated in the 10-year projection period. <br /> This is similar to last year's projections. <br /> Additional Information for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District <br /> Following the economic downturn (2011-14), there has been an increase in residential projects, <br /> specifically multifamily development, in the Town of Chapel Hill. As previously stated, <br /> proposed growth is not directly and immediately included in the SAPFO projection system until <br /> actual students begin enrollment. However,proposed student growth resulting from new <br /> 31 <br />