Orange County NC Website
<br />Oranpe County-l.hdnp Machine Proposal <br />Innovative Design <br />Design Proposal for a Living Machine at Orange <br />County's Northern Human Services Center <br />Northern Human Services Center <br />The site for the project Is the Northam Human Servkes Center, boated otf St~~V,yniN Ei ead~ n Cedar Grove, <br />Orange County. Prevbusy an elementary school, the buiding is now used as government otflces by Orange <br />County, Sited on the southwest comer of the bt Is a softball field, shared with the community, <br />Orange County wishes to renovate the facility in a manner that highlights various sustainable features and sets an <br />example for the region, Several sustainable features are currentty being evaluated by the County, induding <br />deylightlng and energy-ettkieM bulid(ng shell strategies, energy-efHclent mechanical and electrical systems, <br />green building produds, sustainable site design and water wnservatkn and management systems. <br />As part of the renovation and extension of the fadiity, the existing wastewater treatment system, that presentty <br />processes 2,700 gallons per day (gpd), is to be expanded to a total treatment capadty of 6,000 gpd. To <br />accomplish this treatment in an environmentally sound manner, Orange County is now desiring to implement an <br />innovative, natural and biologically diverse wastewater treabnent system equal to or equivalent to a Living <br />Machine approach, This innovative, nature) wastewater and reclamation system uses plants in water gardens to <br />naturally perform water purification processes, <br />Project Scope _ <br />Innovative Design's team will design, asslat in bidding, and provide consWctlon administration services to Orange <br />County in Implementing a Living Machine type system capable of treating up to 0,000 gpd of waste. The water <br />will be bblagicaly treated through a system of ponds, The intent Is to have the treated water disposed of onsite. <br />The most likely approach to be Incorporated for this projed is a tidal vertical flow (TVF). The TVF constructed <br />wastewater treatment wetlands operate by cydk flooding and draining through a media bed with cycle periods of <br />a day or lass. The cycle period of a day or less distinguishes these technologies from other flood and drain <br />systems. The tertiary heated effluent would be discharged into either a (t) subsurface nitrification field, {2) <br />subsurface drip irrigation system or (3) surface drip Irrlgatbn system. The choice of these three optlons will <br />depend upon the first phase of this project; a detailed assessment of the existing site and the establishment of <br />pdodties of County. <br />ormae County'I UwMp n+Khine rmw~x. nwvuno+ <br />Z `d 89Etr'oN N01530 3AIltlhONN1 Wdl9~! EOOd '9 ^~N <br />