Orange County NC Website
la <br />Task 1: Evaluation of Options <br />The efforts surounding the first task of this work will center around the determination of the key site factors that <br />will dictate the specific type of approach to be pursued, if there are any unknown technical reasons that would <br />prohibit the optons from being pursued, and refining the cost estimate based upon the optimum approach.. This <br />work will be completed within 40 days of approval of contract <br />Task 1.1 Siting Analyals end Preliminary Layout <br />Within one week of signing contract, the county will provkte our team with the already completed surveys that <br />locate the existing wells, septic fields, topographic characteristics, tree locations, buildings, outdoor structures, <br />utilities, setbacks, property lines, and current play areas and the ball field. Additionally, they will provide our team <br />with information on the existing well characeristics (flow rate, tlepth, water contaminants), <br />Based upon initial site evaluations, discussions with your county officials, and Input from state agencies, we will <br />identity potential strategies and the coresponding potentai bcatlons of the various system components. <br />Task 1.2 Solis, Hydraulic, and Fkld Layout <br />This work indudes technical soils and site evaluaton of the options as they relate to regulations required for <br />subsurface systems; hydraulic testlmg of soil using an Amoozemeter (as required far systems greater than 3,000 <br />gpd); one geoprobe boring to groundwater, hydraulic mounding modeling; and the n'drificatlon field layout and <br />speGilcatlons for the 6,000 gpd system. 'The evaluation will also address your cencem regarding any potential <br />impact the system might have on the existing trees, <br />Task 1,3 Evaluation of Existing Plumbing and Electrical <br />This work will consist of a detailed evaluation of the existing plumbing, septic, and well systems in order to <br />determine the optimum connection points and any r~s-piping requirements. The current and antcipated electrical <br />system will also be evaluated as ft relates to the anticipated electrical service demands, We will provide you with <br />a report summarizing our conclusions, <br />Task 1A Evsiuatbn of Functional and Educational impacts <br />We w(11 analyze the site from a functional and an educational standpoint, to determine the best opportunltles and <br />limitations for locating particular components of the system. We will evaluate the maintenance, security and <br />safety Issues and provide you a report summar¢fng our recommendations. <br />Task 1.6 Preliminary Review with County and Stets Agencies <br />Although there will not be enough of the design completed at this point to guarantee final acceptance, we will <br />review the proposed strategy with the appropriate slats and county agendas as to determine their general <br />acceptance of our approach. <br />E °d 89EY ~N N91S34 3~1.1V~ONN1 WdZ9~l EOOZ '9 ~oN <br />