Agenda 03-15-22; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 03-15-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda 03-15-22; 8-a - Minutes
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3/11/2022 9:49:25 AM
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3/11/2022 8:25:08 AM
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Agenda for March 15, 2022 BOCC Meeting
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10 <br /> 1 the services Orange County provides are through a competitive bid. She said that services <br /> 2 would continue, even if it is with a different provider because of the competitive process. <br /> 3 Commissioner Hamilton asked how many Orange County residents take advantage of <br /> 4 the program each year. She asked if the services meet the needs of Orange County residents. <br /> 5 She asked what performance measures are required by the federal government. She asked <br /> 6 how well the county does with the allocation of funding and if the new alignment would change <br /> 7 how the money is split up. <br /> 8 Nancy Coston said she would send numbers and performance measures to the <br /> 9 commissioners. She said funds follow the county. She said if the county aligns with a different <br /> 10 group, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds will follow. She said the <br /> 11 Department of Commerce will meet with the workforce board in the next few days to explain the <br /> 12 study to them. She said after that meeting, questions about realignment, boards, and <br /> 13 representation, and funding will hopefully be answered. <br /> 14 Commissioner Fowler said it seems like the Chamber of Commerce is in agreement with <br /> 15 realignment, but that they aren't sure if prosperity zones are the right option and suggested <br /> 16 alignment with how the councils of governments or community colleges are aligned. She asked <br /> 17 if the county gets a say in how realignment works. <br /> 18 Nancy Coston said there will be a public comment period when the proposal is made <br /> 19 public by the Department of Commerce. She said she thinks the Governor will have the final <br /> 20 say. She said she is going to ask the Department of Commerce about how the decision is <br /> 21 made. <br /> 22 Commissioner Fowler asked if the prosperity zones are the only divisions they are <br /> 23 considering for now. <br /> 24 Nancy Coston said she does not know that she has not been able to get information at <br /> 25 this time but hopes to learn more at the meeting on Thursday. <br /> 26 Commissioner McKee referred to slide #4 showing the prosperity zones. He said the <br /> 27 current map on slide #5 is helter-skelter. He said the prosperity zones make more sense. <br /> 28 Chair Price said the prosperity zone proposal brings the county into alignment with the <br /> 29 Triangle and many of the other Triangle J Council of Governments and makes sense to her. <br /> 30 She asked about the other programs and how they might be affected by realignment. She asked <br /> 31 if the prosperity zone realignment causes any risks to how the programs are being run now. <br /> 32 Nancy Coston said she would like to get back to the Board on that question after <br /> 33 meeting with the Department of Commerce on Thursday. She said she is interested in if the <br /> 34 county has a say, and what would it look like. <br /> 35 Commissioner Greene said that the Triangle J Council of Governments is made up of 7 <br /> 36 counties and that seems like a middle ground between the two alternative realignments. She <br /> 37 said that it hits the entire Triangle, but not farther northeastern counties. She hopes they will <br /> 38 give that alignment consideration. <br /> 39 Commissioner McKee asked if there has been discussion of any other realignment <br /> 40 configuration. <br /> 41 Nancy Coston said she did not know. <br /> 42 Commissioner McKee said he was curious how the prosperity zone map was created <br /> 43 other than pulling contiguous counties together. <br /> 44 Nancy Coston said this map was created by the Department of Commerce for another <br /> 45 purpose. She said she would ask them at their meeting about how the model was developed. <br /> 46 Chair Price said that she has heard conversation in other groups, like Transportation <br /> 47 circles, about bringing Nash, Johnston, and Granville counites in since they are growing and <br /> 48 becoming bedroom communities for the Wake, Orange, and Durham counties. She said there is <br /> 49 some logic to the prosperity zone map. <br /> 50 Nancy Coston said that she would send more information to the Board after the meeting <br /> 51 with the Department of Commerce. <br />
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