Orange County NC Website
4 <br />the County, rata ntinilli atwo bedroom apartment in Chapel Hill the same set of temp lies <br />would have to spend at least 37% of Hear monthly m me. In both innances, these families <br />would have to spend more than 30% of their gross monthly income on rect. US HUD standards <br />define aHbrdable as omanning when a enter spends no more than 30% of their gross monthly <br />income to mml housing cost (rent & unilateral <br />Appealable Hosing Needs <br />Acesim ng to the 1990 censor, Orange Comfy had the highest peroentage of cowl, low. Income <br />households with housing problems in North Carolina, 71 percent of residents in obis category <br />cited cast burden and overcrowding as major issues In 2000, the County has appmx masaly <br />12,280 low-income households with a cost burden and overmin deduess remaining the primary <br />impediments to obtaining athirst housing. <br />Furdteq according to a 1989 report from the North Carolina Rural Economic Development <br />Copper, 1,052 units in Change County lacked indoor plumbing. The County considers this <br />estimate to be a good approximation of the problem. <br />the lack of affordable housing forced aentera to live substandard units.. housing problems <br />sera otvery low income bmseh and 9'1 percent es we families <br />were sported is e 86 ipercent <br />seem freed to live in Overcrowded, substandard wits. The e mn maj jodty there families were re also coat <br />Increased <br />Homeless Needs <br />The numbers of homeless persons m Orange Comfy have promotion dramatically. Using focal <br />war 199&1999, the domain Coundl Community House reported oars ing 801 individuals, 700 <br />adults and 101 culdrearra Of this ranumber, ce and were African PC Con, 198 were white, and 48 <br />es20 of other mew and Orange The e PC Commuvry House is the evil, <br />a Hispanic, only <br />c hots and <br />emergency cy housing resource for but its Ocmge Cowry. <br />The greatest increase in the homeless population in Orange County continues ad be women, <br />children, and families, frequently victims of domestic violence. Thus, the washing of Project <br />Homestead laid year welcomed into the m inity. Project Homwthat is a transitional <br />housing pmgmm for homeless families that provides a spollmo d selling for families to receive <br />suppen before they live independently. <br />Public and Assisted Housing Needs <br />OregN County's only conventional public housing Too an consists of 336 units. The majority she <br />of Chapel [ills public hands'rig units are two- and thee-bedroom win and are Ideated in Chapel <br />Hill except for one community in Cmrsou . <br />The county's Section 8 progan, eaministaed by the orange County Housing add Community <br />Development Depmfined5 included 623 vouchers. There are an additional 543 other assisted <br />housing units in the County that have benefited Gum the HUD Section 202 Prograng rho Low <br />Income Housing Tax Credit Pmgrand the farmers HOME 515 Program; the HUD Section 236