Agenda - 12-09-2003-8a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-09-2003
Agenda - 12-09-2003-8a
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1 A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiatis to <br />2 approve the conceptual plan. <br />3 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4 <br />5 b. Stillhouse Creek Wetlands Restoration Proiect <br />6 The Board received a presentation on the Stillhouse Creek Stream and Wetlands <br />7 Restoration Project, a joint venture of Orange County, the N.C. Wetlands Restoration Program <br />8 (Division of Environment and Natural Resources) and the U,S, Natural Resource Conservation <br />9 Service (NRCS)/ Orange Soil. <br />10 Chair Brown asked the visiting class from New Hope Elementary to come up front to sit <br />1 I and watch this presentation, <br />12 Dave Stancil gave an update on this project. Stillhouse Creek is in downtown <br />1.3 Hillsborough. It runs north to south to the Eno River and is between the Government Services <br />14 Center and the Sheriff's Office and new courthouse in Hillsborough. The wetlands restoration <br />15 project is a joint venture between Orange County, the Natural Resource Conservation Service <br />16 and Soil and Water District, and the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (WRP), <br />17 Funding for the project is coming from WRP. The purpose of the project is to restore <br />18 streamside vegetation and minimize future erasion along the corridor from Margaret Lane to the <br />19 Eno River. Bids for the project will go out in October with construction to occur in mid to late <br />20 November, The construction will last about two weeks. Plantings of all native species would be <br />21 done in December and the project work should be completed by February. <br />22 He made reference to the 4`h grade class in attendance and said that this is a significant <br />2.3 opportunity for education. They plan to work with schools. <br />24 The final presentation of the conservation easement will be around the end of the year or <br />25 the first of next year. <br />26 Commissioner Jacobs asked about the 50-foot buffer, Dave Stancil said that this is <br />27 inside the town of Hillsborough. The buffer comes from the WRP. <br />28 Commissioner Gordon asked what would be done about the mosquitoes since <br />29 pesticides are prohibited and there would be standing water.. Dave Stancil said that is one of <br />30 the first things that came up with this and there may be modifications in the final language.. <br />31 Ms. Waters, teacher of the 4~h grade class, said that they are planning a trip to <br />32 Hillsborough on September 25'h to visit this site and the native American plants and then they <br />33 will go back for work visits. <br />34 Commissioner Jacobs recognized Gail Hughes and Brent Bogue for working on this, <br />35 <br />36 c-1.Northern Muman Services Center <br />37 The Board received updated information on the progress regarding the Northern Human <br />38 Services Center at Cedar Grove and provided staff guidance and direction on how to proceed <br />39 with finalization of building improvements. <br />40 Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey said that the Board asked for an update on <br />41 what has been developing on the building improvements, She made reference to the detailed <br />42 memo in the packet, She recognized the staff that have been working on this project, The main <br />43 points of the memo are as follows: <br />44 Infrastructure - no confirmation from State with plan to pursue conventional or alternative <br />45 system improvements, <br />46 New well distribution system <br />47 Signage -approval far a transitional sign -electric versus solar <br />48 Cafeteria and kitchen -community wanted this more serviceable -full service versus <br />49 catering kitchen with a max occupancy of 375 <br />50 Breezeway <br />51 Ceramic studio <br />
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