Agenda - 12-09-2003-8a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-09-2003
Agenda - 12-09-2003-8a
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1 requested that she go to this meeting, and she will report back on this. The topic is gcing to be <br />2 air quality,. <br />3 Commissioner Jacobs said that the Human Services Advisory Council is having their <br />4 (arum an September 10`h at the Friday Center, and the topic is Fifty Years after Brown versus <br />5 Board of Education -How African Americans in Orange County are faring in Education, Health <br />6 Care, and Economic Opportunity, <br />7 Commissioner Jacobs represented the Board at the dedication of housing units at <br />8 Meadowmont that were provided by Orange Community Housing and Land Trust, He said that <br />9 it was gratifying to see affordable housing funds being used in the community. He said that <br />10 Arnie Katz, who has consulted with the County on the Northern Human Services Center on the <br />11 solar components, was there and pointed out that all housing units at Meadowmont and the <br />12 future ones done by EmPOWERment and by Habitat for Humanity in Orange County are being <br />1.3 done with an energy efficiency component,. This is unique in affordable housing in North <br />14 Carolina. <br />15 Commissioner Jacobs said that there was another Rural Planning Organization meeting, <br />16 which pairs Orange County with Moore, Lee, and Chatham Counties, They are going to try and <br />17 develop a joint proposal for the TIP, <br />18 Commissioner Jacobs said that he and Chair Brown met with the schools on August 27~" <br />19 and today to talk about smart growth principles for the proposed third/fifth high school,. They <br />20 hope to bring some specifics to the Board on September 16`h, <br />21 Commissioner Jacobs asked the Manager and the Personnel Director about having <br />22 Partners insurance, He said that a few years ago this was investigated, and we were told that <br />23 our insurance providers would not provide it. He read that Durham County's insurance <br />24 providers said that they would provide it. He would like to discuss this when the Board meets in <br />25 November to discuss employee benefits. <br />26 Chair Brown welcomed Ms. Waters' 4'h grade class from New Hope Elementary to the <br />27 meeting. <br />28 Chair Brawn announced that the County is having a rain barrel sale this Saturday, <br />29 September 6'h from 8-12 at the Eubanks Road Park and Ride lot, <br />30 Chair Brown said that she met today with the CHCCS board about the third high school. <br />31 She brought the documents Pram the meeting. <br />32 Chair Brawn mentioned a letter to the editor from Chris Moran, She said that the letter <br />3.3 conveyed the impressicn that somehow the County is not allowing people to get section 8 <br />34 vouchers. She would be glad to write a letter to the editor correcting this misinformation. <br />35 Commissioner Carey said that there is a lot of misinformation about section 8 vouchers. <br />36 He said that there is a mistaken perception that if the County continues to allow people to sign <br />37 up for them, that somehow the County is going to get more federal funding to support them, <br />38 This is not true, He is not convinced that writing a letter to the newspaper is going to educate <br />39 everyone that needs to be educated. If the letter will help, then he will support it.. <br />40 Commissioner Carey suggested drafting a letter and then sending it to all human <br />41 services agencies. <br />42 John Link said that the staff would assist with the letter, <br />4.3 Commissioner .)acobs asked Chair Brown to check to see if the administration is going <br />44 to cut section 8 housing and to include this in this letter. <br />45 <br />46 4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />47 John Link made reference to the Tight yellow memo, which is a response by <br />48 Superintendent Pedersen to the questions the Board had in what would be included in the 800- <br />49 student initial phase of the third high school and what core facilities would be included, This is <br />50 in response to item 1 discussed on August 19`h an addendum A that the school board submitted <br />
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