Agenda - 12-09-2003-8a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-09-2003
Agenda - 12-09-2003-8a
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14 <br />I membership and that the annual meeting was historically attended by the board, staff <br />2 members, and very few others." She said that voting rights were removed from <br />3 members at the point in APS history where members were poised to use them. She <br />4 wants this County to have the best animal shelter possible. She said that she is <br />5 ashamed to live in a community where certain members of the APS leadership engage <br />6 in slight of hand and deceit with their trusting, well-intentioned, and donating members. <br />7 She noted that the last APS Board meeting lasted 14 minutes, with a quick retreat into <br />8 executive session to avoid pertinent questions from the appearing public. She said that <br />9 the current leadership was slowly ruining this organization and betraying the members, <br />10 Chair Brown asked for a copy of her statement, <br />I1 <br />12 Elliot Cramer said that HSUS did a good job for the County. He said that the <br />1.3 many problems HSUS noted at the shelter have nothing to do with money and have little <br />14 to do with the physical facility,. He made reference to the letter he wrote to Kate Pullen <br />15 from HSUS about the principal faults of the current management, He said that he has <br />16 not had time to produce a detailed budget as requested by Dr, Klein (Board of Health), <br />17 but he shall do so within seven days and in consultation with knowledgeable animal care <br />18 professionals in the area. He said that the budget provided in the interim report grossly <br />19 inflates the cost to the County. He said that the Piedmont Animal Welfare Society <br />20 pledges to solicit volunteers and contributions, believing that a well run County shelter <br />21 will easily obtain public support, He hopes that APS can continue as an organization, <br />22 supplementing the services of the County run shelter with a low cost spay/neuter <br />23 program, animal fostering, and the dog park and dog training operation. He wishes the <br />24 people could be out of the shelter tomorrow. <br />25 Bonnie Norwood said that she appreciates the HSUS report. She believes that <br />26 the report and the public outcry shows that there are a lot of problems. She is opposed <br />27 to the extension of the contract. <br />28 <br />29 Commissioner .lacobs asked Jahn Link about not extending the contract and who <br />30 would operate the shelter..lohn Link said that it would take 4-5 months far the County to <br />31 assume operation of the animal shelter. This is based on the experience of the <br />32 assumption of solid waste operations from Chapel Hill to the County and the emergency <br />33 response for transportation from the rescue squads. He said that the budget is based on <br />34 full operation of the animal shelter and is an the high end. He said that the $700,000 <br />35 could be reduced, but there is no guarantee.. He said that it will take as many staff if not <br />36 mare staff to operate the shelter than are there now. <br />37 Commissioner Halkiotis said that he thinks that when we took over solid waste <br />38 operation, there was a lot of lead time before they gat into it, The Board has not even <br />39 discussed where the shelter will fit in with County government. He thinks that the <br />40 biggest mistake would be to take this and make it bureaucratic. He thinks a month to <br />41 month renewal is fine. <br />42 Commissioner Carey said that he understands what his colleagues have said but <br />43 he just wanted to save time for them and recognize that it will take months to make a <br />44 decision about this.. <br />45 Chair Brown clarified that this will be month to month and will not come back to <br />46 the Board unless they want it to, <br />47 The Board will have time to ask questions on September i6~h at the staff analysis <br />48 of the HSUS report, the public hearing on September 18'h, and work sessions on <br />49 October 21 s` or November 5'h.. <br />50 A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />51 Gordon to authorize continuation of the current contract with the Animal Protection <br />
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