Orange County NC Website
12 <br />1 State and Federal government recommended that every county have. He said that they <br />2 do not control the fund amounts, <br />3 Commissioner Jacobs asked where we stood on putting Spanish language signs <br />4 up in County buildings, Commissioner Halkiotis said that there is limited signage in <br />5 Spanish in the Government Services Center and it might be good to get feedback from <br />6 the Register of Deeds and the Tax Office on how this is working out. <br />7 John Link said that they will come back with an assessment of this. <br />8 Chair Brown would like to add in that the staff would bring back the goals that this <br />9 group adopts and to give an update every year. <br />10 A motion was made by Chair Brown, seconded by Gommissianer Halkiotis tc <br />11 accept the Grant Award, authorize the Emergency Management Director to sign the <br />12 grant guidelines and grant related materials, and authorize the Emergency Management <br />13 Specialist to be the paint of contact for the program, with the revisions as stated by Chair <br />14 Brown. <br />15 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />16 <br />17 f. Acceptance of Grant to Establish a Community Emergency Response Team <br />18 Program within the County <br />19 The Board considered accepting a federal grant in the amount of $10,000 to <br />20 establish a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program within Orange <br />21 County; authorizing the Emergency Management Director to sign the Memorandum of <br />22 Understanding, and allowing the Emergency Management Specialist to be designated <br />23 as the point of contact for the program, <br />24 Commissioner Gordon asked about the budget far this and said that she would <br />25 like a copy of it, She was not sure why it cost $10,000, John Link said that they would <br />26 provide a detail line item, <br />27 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />28 Halkiotis to accept the Grant Award, authorize the Emergency Management Director to <br />29 sign the Memorandum of Understanding, and allow the Emergency Management <br />30 Specialist to be designated as the point of contact for the program.. <br />31 Chair Brown asked to include the caveat concerning the $10,000 and to bring <br />32 back the results of the training outcomes, This was added to the motion. <br />3:3 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />34 <br />35 h. Bid Award: Crawler Dozer for Orange County Landfill <br />36 The Board considered awarding a bid to Gregory Poole of Raleigh, NC for a <br />37 Crawler Dozer for the Orange County Landfill, bid number 246, at a delivered cost of <br />38 $308,451; authorizing the Purchasing Director to execute the necessary paperwork; and <br />39 authorizing the Finance Director tc solicit and execute all administrative action and <br />40 documents associated with completing an appropriate installment financing agreement <br />41 for this equipment with a local financial institution, <br />42 Commissioner Gordon asked about the total cost for the installment purchase <br />43 and the debt service payments, She asked if it would be paid off at the end of the five <br />44 years and how much more it would cost than $308,451, Assistant County Manager Rod <br />45 Visser said that the installment financing would be paid off in five years. He does not <br />46 have the exact amounts for the interest payments, but it is around $65-70,000. <br />47 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />48 Halkiotis to award bid number 246 to Gregory Poole Equipment Company of Raleigh, <br />49 North Carolina at a delivered cost of $308,451; authorize the Purchasing Director to <br />50 execute the necessary paperwork; and authorize the Finance Director to solicit and <br />51 execute all the administrative actions and documents associated with completing an <br />