Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> Reasons Want to Serve Board #1 <br /> AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD As a first-time homeowner in Carrboro, and a native who <br /> was born and raised in the Chapel Hill - Carrboro area, I am keenly aware of how rising home prices are <br /> making it near impossible to secure housing in parts of Orange County. With covid and remote work, more <br /> and more people are moving to Orange County from across the country, thereby resulting in higher home <br /> prices and resulting in more gentrification. From my personal experience, I understand the need to protect <br /> our housing community and increase the availability of affordable and fair housing in our county. <br /> Diversity of Viewpoints Board #1 <br /> AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD My parents were born and raised in Karachi Pakistan. <br /> They got married in the late 70's, and hoping for a better life for their future children/family, they <br /> immigrated to Ireland to pursue education. After achieving education in the science field, in the early 80's, <br /> my parents applied to 300 universities across America hoping for just minimum wage research positions. <br /> 299 universities said no, only 1 said yes, and that was the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I <br /> was born in Chapel Hill in 1986, and along with my two sisters, my parents raised us in Chapel Hill/ <br /> Carrboro going not just paycheck to paycheck, but one credit debt to another credit card debt. My parents <br /> had no idea how to secure affordable housing or how to find security knowing that they wouldn't be out on <br /> the streets if they missed 1 more rent payment. While we survived, I know many families who had <br /> situations that didn't turn out so well. I hope to bring the experience I had growing up,witnessing my <br /> parents struggle as immigrants, to this board to support long-term affordable and public housing <br /> programs. <br /> Conflict of Interest Board #1 <br /> AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD I do not have any conflicts of interest related to serving on <br /> this board. <br /> Hasan AAbdullah <br />