Orange County NC Website
a <br />orawc~e couwti~ <br />6wv%rowwt.ewt awc{ tzesource Cowservat%ow pepartwt.ewt <br />Mewt.ora wd ultit. <br />To: Board of Commissioners <br />Jahn Link, County Manager <br />From; David Stancil, ERG Director <br />Date: December 3, 2003 <br />Re: CHATPEC Phasing and Submittal of Applications to Carrboro <br />The purpose of this memo is to summarize the steps involved in submittal of <br />application materials to the Town of Carrboro to begin the construction of the <br />Chapel Hill Township Park (part of the CHATPEC campus). <br />As I'm sure you recall, a Master Plan report and map was drafted by the <br />CHATPEC Work Group that contains a concept plan fora 96-acre Chapel Hill <br />Township Park. In the County s park standards, this would be a "district" park <br />designed to provide a mixture of active and law-impact recreation needs. A <br />Chapel Hill Township District Park is shown in the adopted 1988 Parks and <br />Recreation Element of the Comprehensive Plan near this location. <br />Staff has developed a proposed phasing plan that would break the park into 4 <br />phases of activity. A proposed phase I of the park would likely include two to four <br />playing fields, a picnic shelter, meadow area, and trails along with associated <br />infrastructure. <br />As this property is within the Joint Planning Area (Carrboro Transition Area I and <br />II), applications for park construction will need to be made to the Town of <br />Carrboro. <br />Each phase of the park will require submittal of a Conditional Use Permit <br />application." It is estimated that the application process, from submittal to <br />decision, will take approximately one year. The attached table (Attachment 1) <br />illustrates a possible timetable for submittal of the Master Park and Phase I of the <br />park. <br />* - An altemative process may exist if there are no above-ground structures in Phase I of the park. In this <br />case, a Memorandum of Agreement may be developed and signed by the Town and County regarding the <br />first phase of the park, in lieu of the Conditional Use Permit, However, the proposed Phase I does include a <br />proposed picnic shelter, which would preclude this approach, If there is no shelter, this alternative approach <br />may be possible for Phase I. <br />Ert/iroltihYfvtt Clvi.Ll 72f50u1 ce COIn~sCY/C7C'iON. <br />AO P>¢X 8181 /.30G,A RC/CYC ROCJGI' <br />Hillsborough, NC 2r2~ 8 <br />(yzyJ ~.¢S2.~o <br />