Orange County NC Website
40 <br /> A task force examined, upon a citizen's request, the advisability of modulating <br /> the ordinance on the declaration of dangerous dogs in favor of a more holistic <br /> approach to the nature and extent of the alleged dangerous activity. Rather than <br /> undertake the onerous route of amending county and/or state legislation, the task <br /> force welcomed an effort by OCAS to assess the totality of circumstances <br /> surrounding an incident before making a dangerous dog declaration. ASAB will <br /> nevertheless continue to pursue a change in the NC state statute mandating a <br /> lifelong muzzling requirement for dogs found to be dangerous. <br /> The ASAB worked with staff to provide a number of other deliverables. One was <br /> the review of applications for the annual Pat Sanford Award (and as needed, <br /> outside agency funding applications). Another is developing and sustaining <br /> various community partnerships. <br /> Finally, the ASAB continued to assist the BOCC in ensuring that board vacancies <br /> are filled in a timely and effective manner. It routinely makes recommendations <br /> to the BOCC, and it provides each new member with an orientation, which <br /> includes an introduction to the board, a review of county policies for boards and <br /> commissions, and an overview of Animal Services operations. <br /> List of Specific Tasks, Events, or Functions Performed or Sponsored Annually. <br /> In addition to activities mentioned above, the board plans to hold two meetings in <br /> the community to be more inclusive and raise awareness around pet welfare and <br /> OCAS programs. The June 2022 meeting will be held at the Passmore Senior <br /> Center in Hillsborough and the October meeting at Rogers Road Community <br /> Center in Chapel Hill. OCAS staff will participate in community education and <br /> other service-oriented plans prior to the ASAB meetings. In 2023 ASAB plans to <br /> extend its community outreach by meeting in a county public school facility, <br /> either at the elementary or high school level. <br /> Once COVID19 meeting restrictions are fully lifted, the ASAB will resume hosting <br /> partner organizations, supporting the annual Open House, and providing its own <br /> appreciation for staff and community partners. <br /> Describe this board/commission's activities/accomplishments in carrying out BOCC <br /> goal(s)/priorities, if applicable. <br /> Three principles and priorities seem noteworthy with respect to the ASAB in <br /> calendar year 2021. These are: <br /> Recovery (COVID-19 Pandemic) <br /> • Supported staff in adapting operations to continue essential services-and <br /> for re-opening the shelter to the public for in-person adoptions in July <br /> 2021. <br />