Orange County NC Website
Approved 3.2.22 <br /> 167 Lamar Proctor: I would echo everyone's statements about broadband. I would like to the Planning Department and County to <br /> 168 reach out to the UNC School of Government, specifically their development finance initiative. They are doing good work <br /> 169 coordinating local government with investors, developers and community interaction to come up with economic projects. 1 <br /> 170 want to add under climate change, I would ask you to think about ensuring public water availability because as climate change <br /> 171 kicks in we are going to have periods of flooding and periods of drought and so public water availability is going to be an <br /> 172 issue. And forestation and deforestation— I don't know what's in our regulations in terms of cutting down trees but we need to <br /> 173 stop clear cutting trees because that is exacerbating the problem of increased temperatures and destruction of ecosystems. <br /> 174 Also, I would be super hypercritical of any reduction of watershed protected areas in light of the new legislation from the state. <br /> 175 <br /> 176 Craig Benedict: If there are rules that we can implement,that the state lets us implement,we will try to do that. <br /> 177 <br /> 178 Lamar Proctor: We're coming to a critical phase where we need to develop these EDDs in different parts of the County but 1 <br /> 179 want us to do it smartly. I don't think we need to rush, I think Orange County is the place to be and I don't want to see us end <br /> 180 up like Haw River where there is stuff built right up on the river and there is massive pollution into their waterways and it's a <br /> 181 mess between Haw River and Burlington you can see what happens when there's not good planning. <br /> 182 <br /> 183 Carrie Fletcher: I'm hearing concerns about traffic due to lots being split and subdivisions being developed. What is being <br /> 184 done to control that impact on traffic due to the growth factor. <br /> 185 <br /> 186 Craig Benedict: When we do some of the census data about where the populations are,we can come up with a map that <br /> 187 shows minor subdivisions and there are a lot of minor subdivisions—5 lots and less. That is what I think is occurring in some <br /> 188 of our rural areas. We'll make note of it and will show where this new subdivision growth is occurring. <br /> 189 <br /> 190 MOTION BY Randy Marshall to ask staff to incorporate the results of the discussion into the annual report and work plan and <br /> 191 submit the form to the Clerk's Office. Seconded by Melissa Poole. <br /> 192 <br /> 193 <br /> 194 ROLLCALL VOTE: <br /> 195 Randy Marshall Yes <br /> 196 Statler Gilfillen Yes <br /> 197 Lamar Proctor Yes <br /> 198 Susan Hunter Yes <br /> 199 Carrie Fletcher Yes <br /> 200 Adam Beeman Yes <br /> 201 Melissa Poole Yes <br /> 202 Alexandra Allman Yes <br /> 203 Whitney Watson Yes <br /> 204 David Blankfard Yes <br /> 205 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY <br /> 206 Kim Piracci left the meeting early, as noted in the body of the minutes. <br /> 207 <br /> 208 <br /> 209 AGENDA ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT <br /> 210 Meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:52 p.m. <br /> 211 <br /> 212 <br /> 213 David Blankfard, Chair <br />