2022-086-E-Solid Waste-Autumn Breeze Group Inc-Recover Recycling Pad
Board of County Commissioners
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2022-086-E-Solid Waste-Autumn Breeze Group Inc-Recover Recycling Pad
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Last modified
2/28/2022 12:00:15 PM
Creation date
2/28/2022 12:00:04 PM
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The AUTUMN BREEZE Group <br /> Incorporated <br />======================================================== <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />============================================================================================== <br />Specializing in Architecturally Designed and Engineered Fabric and All -Steel Buildings <br /> <br />UPON ARRIVAL OF THE CREW <br />• Remove the existing fabric roof cover, two ends and fastening components. The fabric will be <br />removed. Also removed will be the PVC piping, winches, wind straps, pull pipes, cam buckles and <br />belting that hold this roof and ends on the building. Old fabric doors will be taken down and the <br />framework dismantled only to the extent that they do not interfere with the installation of the new roof <br />and end. <br />• Supply and install of a new roof and one back end wall on the building. The supply and installation <br />of a new roof, and one back end wall (as discussed the front ‘gusset’ ends will be removed and not <br />replaced), and approximately 1,100 sf of additional fabric (this is for the lower ‘basement’ part of the <br />building in the back). Includes new PVC pipes, winches, wind straps, ratchets, belting, and cam - <br />buckles etc. <br />• The fabric will be pulled tight from the inside and terminated. New PT boards, flat bar termination <br />material and fastening hardware will be supplied and installed as required for a professional termina- <br />tion of the roof, sides and back end. <br />• EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY ABG: ABG will provide all required equipment. <br /> <br />• SUPPIED LABORERS FOR THIS PRIOJECT: ABG will provide the necessary crew for the ex- <br />ecution of this project at Non-prevailing wage rates. <br /> <br /> <br />SOLUTION #1-B: <br />RECOVER (1) 72’ x 35’ COVER-ALL LEGEND BUILDING <br /> <br />• # Per our conversation, WORK TO BE DONE BEFORE RECOVER CAN <br />BE STARTED: The trees on the right side of the building need to be cutdown <br />(up to the yellow Ballard post) and the grass/weeds cut. The trunks of the trees <br />need to be at or below the ground level, so the crew does not trip on them and <br />the fabric is not in jeopardy of being torn by sharp trunks/stick/roots etc. The <br />garbage garbage/recycling material needs to be removed from inside the build- <br />ing, in-between the two buildings in the center and in-between the block wall <br />and the fabric sides of the building. All moveable obstacles, such as equipment <br />etc. need to be removed from the building so man lifts, and crew members can <br />move freely and safely in and around the building with easy access to fastening <br />winches, tensioning pipes, wind straps etc. ^ See drawing <br /> <br />UPON ARRIVAL OF THE CREW <br />• Remove the existing fabric roof cover, back end wall and fastening components. The fabric will <br />be removed. Also removed will be the PVC piping, winches, wind straps, pull pipes, cam buckles and <br />belting that hold this roof and ends on the building. Old fabric doors will be taken down and the <br />framework dismantled only to the extent that they do not interfere with the installation of the new roof <br />and end. <br />• Supply and install of a new roof and one back end wall on the building. The supply and installation <br />of a new roof and one back end wall. Includes new PVC pipes, winches, wind straps, ratchets, belting, <br />and cam-buckles etc. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: CC1E5504-E680-4E54-A1F0-234F30C204D6
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