Orange County NC Website
914101 Mielvo-S <br />bb l 6a aJ tat F lift E bn% promme <br />The Smd wnsidered approving a planning process to be used in Me deatgNwnwuction of <br />Mejuatke facilities expansion project. <br />John Link said that he of Making County Commimioners to approve the next phew Gthe <br />justice facility expansion. A jail expansion and a new wudmom were added in 1898. However, there <br />are additional nests forjustirA fawow. <br />Pam Janes sakl that a task force wee appolntad In 1994 he develop a needs assessment for <br />the court needs. As an Interim measure beds were added to the jail to bring the wwGry up to 128. In <br />July 2001 the awrow dent populabwr was 125. The Federal Matahal's Once stills uses ourjaila for <br />federal ptsorere. A year ago, a master plan was developed by archilech to determine how much could <br />tie Wilt on the judicial faclllem she. They laid out roue options for that site. Each project would W bulk in <br />fur phases and each would have specific parting options. One G the oxides ie to have a six?hevel <br />paring deck, which weld m in Me location of the Sherffe or=, The other option had the parking <br />incorporated in Me building anti coal to bush In phase bro. The scope of dim master plan is Stillhouse <br />Creek to Margaret Lana to Churon Street he Me edge of Me courthouse parking lat. Alorg-tens study <br />of County spew needs was conducted recently through the Spam Needs task form. One G the <br />recommendations Is to add to the Gowmment gerviws Center on Cameron Street It seems prudent at <br />this point W look at the more who as a whole. The ebff has requested Mat Me gook of County <br />Commissioners approve an expansion of the master plan. She wouM propose to ask Freemen White to <br />update the previous master plan, then move forward with Me planning process. <br />Pam Janes then spoke b Me phoning process. Knowing that them will be an impact on <br />dovrtmlovm Hillsborough, the procam ham Mrwwmpomnte. The fiM is the selection of he architect <br />and designer of Me building ant River Perk. The second is a programming group that woud look at the <br />assets GMe bussing o make sure that it does net averpouer Me slowdown Hillsborough area. The <br />Mkd of a programming group that would fewa on Ma tntedor of he building. These art limited tojudicial <br />officials, County staff, and County Commissioners that would be operating within the building. Other <br />users could also line Input. <br />Commissioner Carey same about the Sheeffe price and Pam Jones said that it could be <br />tom down to make mom for needed parding. There are other options, but this is M as bear plan. <br />Commissioner grown confirmed Mal the that phase would be a skiing adjacent to to <br />present cau itrouw. <br />Commimlner Jambe asked to haw visuals for the chizens present when Information is <br />presented. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Sheriffs bur ding and said tlrot the Molding <br />should be left intact if posmibb. He sand that it was nice to have to presupposition that we Wit use what <br />we have. He suggested Imrting Freeman Whre to to work session on spew studies. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Coition, sewnded by Cummsmonet Carey to endorse <br />the assumptions as listed an page Mree adding Commissioner Jacoha' woks about being prudent br <br />the Sheriffs office and reepecting Me spew needs study recommeMaAOn as atatad by Pam Janes as <br />follows: 'The expended master plan would consider and haw Intact the recommendation to potential <br />expansion of tie Government Services Center and Government Services Calder Annex as prowled by <br />the Spew Needs Task Forty M March 2001' <br />Commissioner Jacobs mekuned that he and Chair HalMeds met with some people from <br />HiMborogh and one otjiheir benwros was tat toy be able to ace the Rber Park from Margaret Lane. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS