Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />'Meeting OW: 8aptembsr4.2001 <br />Aclan Aga <br />Natn Na. 4-h <br />SUBJECT. Hlg Judldal FadNas nalon Mann' Proceae <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT: PumhaWq snot Central <br />Services PUBICHEARING: (YIN) <br />ATTACHMENT(S): MFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pan Jones (919) 246-2862 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />HRbbmou6h 731-0181 <br />ChepN HIS was isi i <br />DuNwn 888.7381 <br />NeWne 3861172831 <br />PURPOSE: To mnalder approving a planning prooeM to be wed In Sea DeelgNmrebudbnof <br />the Juetlce FaPRees E1Panlen Project. <br />BACKGROUND: <br />(hg3a l Justice Peclhke Study <br />In 19%, SN Orange County mad dCOmnYasbrwrs appobtlad a gawp W aWdy the lonpbmi <br />needs djusdee bduee. br OMrgs S Z ouip bid rumuons vdhb tywere <br />repneerrbtl h the Juetloe FadNce Burry OmuP. The results results of bear eRwft ane wale refMdsd in a <br />sport puMNhetl In July 19Be. <br />The voope dtn.lmp4enn nestle ae lEadRe0 by the Group was adendva. The COUdys <br />abl ty b undeNalm expansion of this magnibds was Intletl. To UW and. mmponenb <br />eadlbDnp the penitent a ax!"IN mneiderad separately am Na PrMede emu b Mess <br />needs in8NN6. <br />• The Jell Espardon pr*d DOmdetetl N arrly l9BS added 56 We to ft totaling 71. <br />ONreby taking the Wad capacity in 8aje8 to 128. Although capacity of ft Jail v; <br />InWpuab bT Iha lor1ti4enn. o0ope edon batmen Sa Sheriffs Deparbnenl oral lNces hav <br />saved to m6wnhe cverorowdug. The Faderal Marshal mnenues b use tlN Drags COaNy <br />Jal as a maps depot M pdsonem. <br />• The adtlieon of is Gordon Berne Courhoom In satly 1988 efbwed the heaWa volume <br />dehld Cwrt b uSOe 61a lags mumaan on me mefn IlpOfae Xs DrimTry muN locallon. A <br />9N fladbely Ne ulbRvabuewu mowasagmedbem ngeMjud9r,baeby <br />Rua" a more efficient use pamm deb mudroomc. <br />A second 01000 of Judidd Moats aM County staff wam wrwenad Idvin 1808 to evalusb <br />me breed d8rew W eapenebns. Although dam; rAerpes may nevi rageW be need Tp