Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: January 28, 2002 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 3 <br />SUBJECT: County Supported Facilty Needs <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing and Central PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) <br />N <br />Services <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />#1 9-4-01 agenda abstract establishing <br />planning process for the Justice <br />Facility Expansion <br />#2 Minutes for 94-01 meeting INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />#3 County Space Needs Report Pam Jones (919) 245-2652 <br />Executive Summary <br />#4 Northern Human Services Center TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Task Farce Report Hillsborough 7324181 <br />#5 Community College Task Forces Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Report Durham 688-7331 <br />#610-11-01 Joint meeting w/Durham Mebane 336-227.2031 <br />Tech meeting notes <br />PURPOSE: To receive information and provide feedback for the following facility related <br />issues'. <br />• Justice Facility Expansion (See attachments #1 and #2) <br />• Projects included in the Preliminary County Space Needs Task Force Report (See <br />attachment 43) <br />including Senior Centers <br />• Including Northern Human Services Center (sea attachmerH#4) <br />Durham Technical Community College Satellite Campus Development (saa <br />attachments #5 and #8) ; and <br />• Homestead Road Campus at the Southern Human Services Center <br />BACKGROUND: The January 28, 2002 discussion regarding Gounty facility needs will provide <br />the opportunity to view all of the aforementioned projects in the context of overall County needs <br />and obligations for the next several years and will hopefully provide the Scam with relevant <br />information by which to make facility related decisions. <br />With the exception of the Homestead Road Campus, the Board has at one time or another <br />during the past several months receivetl information and/or discussed each of these facility <br />development needs. The brief presentations that will be provided by staff during the work <br />session are designed to accomplish the fallowing.