Agenda 03-01-22; 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-01-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda 03-01-22; 8-a - Minutes
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Minutes 03-01-2022 Business Meeting
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23 <br /> 1 would know how to handle behavior because it will be regulated. She said that she thinks the <br /> 2 ordinance can protect children and also protect adults' rights to protest. <br /> 3 Commissioner Greene said she is in alignment with what Commissioner Hamilton has <br /> 4 said. She said that when it comes to controlling an event, the Sheriff has at their capacity tools <br /> 5 to deal with destructive behavior, and she would not want to oppose on free speech any more <br /> 6 than the Supreme Court says they can. She said that she is not prepared to make a decision on <br /> 7 this tonight, and she would like to know which county properties would be appropriate to <br /> 8 regulate. <br /> 9 John Roberts said there are few county properties where demonstrations would be <br /> 10 allowed. He said the courthouse steps, the open area around the courthouse, maybe one of the <br /> 11 county parks. He said that certainly not in or adjacent to office buildings. He said not many <br /> 12 properties at all. <br /> 13 Chair Price said that jurisdiction is confusing to people. She said that when there was a <br /> 14 protest at school inside of the Town of Hillsborough, calls were made to various offices, but <br /> 15 there were no responses because of the confusion around jurisdiction. She said that she is not <br /> 16 in favor of limiting anyone's freedom of speech, but some speech can be very hateful. She said <br /> 17 that hate speech can be inciteful. <br /> 18 Commissioner Richards said there was an incident where people were alleged to be on <br /> 19 a county road in front of a school. She said when they start thinking about properties and <br /> 20 jurisdictional issues, it gets complicated. She asked if there a way to normalize the ordinances <br /> 21 between the county and the towns, so that they are the same. She said that Chapel Hill requires <br /> 22 a permit. <br /> 23 John Roberts said if the Board wanted to adopt a county ordinance that looked like a <br /> 24 town's they could do that, or the towns could adopt a county ordinance for enforcement within <br /> 25 the towns'jurisdictions. <br /> 26 Commissioner Hamilton said Commissioner Richards's point is important and it would be <br /> 27 good to have consistency. She suggested that the BOCC take leadership on this and take the <br /> 28 steps necessary to protect school children. She asked John Roberts if they can regulate where <br /> 29 demonstrations can take place by being specific or can they regulate by saying you can <br /> 30 demonstrate anywhere "except" certain places. <br /> 31 John Roberts said he would recommend the second option because the vast majority of <br /> 32 land in the county is privately owned. He said the second option would be easier to do because <br /> 33 you can say where protests can occur and where it cannot occur. He said he also thinks you <br /> 34 can say you may not picket or demonstrate on public school properties. <br /> 35 Commissioner McKee said this is good conversation and he wants to bring Sheriff's <br /> 36 office into the conversation. He commended the Sheriff's department for their involvement in <br /> 37 calm demonstrations in the past. <br /> 38 Commissioner Bedford said sometimes students want to have demonstrations on <br /> 39 campus so should look at what school districts policies are about those, so they do not eliminate <br /> 40 student demonstrations. <br /> 41 John Roberts said an exception could be made for student protests on school property. <br /> 42 Commissioner Fowler said she likes the idea of it being a certain distance from a <br /> 43 property or something similar. She said that she participated in a parent demonstration in <br /> 44 support of schools. She said making it a certain distance would protect free speech and entry <br /> 45 ways to the buildings. <br /> 46 Chair Price reiterated importance for consistency between towns and county. She <br /> 47 suggested that this come back at a work session and a discussion with schools. She said that <br /> 48 law enforcement and the schools should be included and suggested that public comment be <br /> 49 allowed by waiving the rules about comment during work sessions. <br /> 50 Commissioner McKee agreed with running it through as a work session with law <br /> 51 enforcement and the schools. <br />
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