Agenda 03-01-22; 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-01-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda 03-01-22; 8-a - Minutes
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Minutes 03-01-2022 Business Meeting
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22 <br /> 1 the UDO. He said that would not allow for removal but could provide for penalties against the <br /> 2 landowner. <br /> 3 Commissioner Hamilton said part of the issue is the way we deal with threats; it protects <br /> 4 against imminent threat of physical harm but not against a threat when people feel intimidated. <br /> 5 She said so there almost has to be physical damage before someone has been harmed. She <br /> 6 said that society and legal system doesn't make that clear line but doesn't mean that people <br /> 7 that people are not harmed by a threat. She said that especially the harm that is done to <br /> 8 children, could have long-term mental effects on them. She said that just because you cannot <br /> 9 see it does not mean it is not harmful, especially to children. She said that needs to be thought <br /> 10 of with this. She said she understands they have to work within the confines of the laws. She <br /> 11 said she is looking for something to help regulate where they can occur. She said she would be <br /> 12 in support of something that said they cannot occur at school but can occur on designated <br /> 13 portions of county land. She said she is not looking at controlling speech, but she is looking for <br /> 14 a way to protect children from adult business and the long-term impacts. She said that an <br /> 15 ordinance that regulates time, place, and requires a permit that she will be in support of as long <br /> 16 as people are still allowed to voice their opinions in a peaceful manner. <br /> 17 Commissioner Greene said she was trying to determine the difference in what goes on <br /> 18 inside and outside a meeting and that John Roberts had addressed that question and she has a <br /> 19 clear understanding of inside of a meeting versus outside. <br /> 20 Chair Price asked about jurisdiction. She said that her familiarity of the issue is one that <br /> 21 was going on at a road outside of a school. She said her question is about determining who has <br /> 22 jurisdiction in that scenario and that it is likely a conversation between the Sheriff and the <br /> 23 schools. She asked who gets to issue the permits and also who gets to have a permit and who <br /> 24 does not get one. She also asked who determines when a group has to disburse. She said a <br /> 25 few years ago there was a march in Hillsborough from a cemetery into town. She said that <br /> 26 brought in mixed jurisdictions and some of the frustration from constituents arises when there <br /> 27 are several jurisdictions involved. She said that a few things have bothered her. She said one of <br /> 28 those is the idea of a threat that is imminent, because there are also adults who also feel <br /> 29 threatened by speech. She said that some speech is intended to incite. She said that she has <br /> 30 an issue with restrictions on what people can do. She said a lot of this goes back to when they <br /> 31 did not want workers to picket or union or they did not want people of color to be gathering so <br /> 32 she expressed concern on the three-person limit. She asked specifically about the question of <br /> 33 jurisdiction. <br /> 34 John Roberts said the Sheriff has jurisdiction throughout the county but leaves issues in <br /> 35 town limits to the town police. He said that if there was an ordinance that prohibited <br /> 36 demonstrations on school grounds that would only be effective within unincorporated areas of <br /> 37 the county so the Sheriff would be the one to enforce that ordinance. He said that if the towns <br /> 38 also had that ordinance, they would be the ones to enforce that. <br /> 39 Commissioner McKee said he appreciates Commissioner Hamilton's comments <br /> 40 regarding the threat and harm to children versus adults. He said that he has no doubt there is a <br /> 41 line, but he has a hard time identifying the line. He said that what he wants to make sure is that <br /> 42 people are not prohibiting people from being loud and voicing their first amendment rights. He <br /> 43 said that this is how social injustices have been addressed and will continue to be done. He said <br /> 44 that people should be able to be loud, up to the point they become threatening. <br /> 45 Commissioner Hamilton agrees with the ability to voice opinions loudly. She said that <br /> 46 she has heard from some people that have found it difficult to mount a demonstration and feel <br /> 47 protected, so they would welcome having a clear process so that they would understand from a <br /> 48 permit process. She said that police protection could be built in and protect those people. She <br /> 49 said that she has spoken with people at the Sheriff's office, and they have expressed favor in <br /> 50 having a regulatory manner for protests so that they could know what was coming and they <br />
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