Orange County NC Website
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6 <br /> reimbursement for state inmates housed in county jails sentenced to 90 days or <br /> less; <br /> 12)Concealed Weapons in Parks —Seek legislation re-authorizing counties to fully <br /> regulate the carrying of concealed weapons on county-owned playgrounds and in <br /> county-owned parklands and authorize counties to prohibit the carrying of <br /> concealed weapons on county and county funded college/university campuses, <br /> in addition to playgrounds; <br /> 13)Court Funding — Support increased state funding for NC courts and for Clerks of <br /> Superior Court, including reinstating funding for drug treatment courts and <br /> funding for additional clerk positions; <br /> 14)Local Government Funding for Law Enforcement — Oppose any legislation <br /> that is designed to limit local government control of local law enforcement funding <br /> decisions or practices, or that financially or otherwise penalizes local <br /> governments based on local law enforcement funding decisions or practices; <br /> 15)Red Flag Law —Support legislation allowing courts to prevent access to firearms <br /> for individuals who show signs of being a danger to themselves or to others. <br /> Mental illness, escalating threats, substance abuse and domestic violence are <br /> among the circumstances in which a judge should have the authority to order <br /> weapon restrictions or surrender; <br /> EDUCATION <br /> 16)Full Funding of the Leandro Remedial Action Plan — Support equity and racial <br /> justice by fully funding the Leandro Remedial Action Plan, which details <br /> additional comprehensive, targeted education funding over the next eight years, <br /> predominantly to low-wealth and minority communities, in order for the State to <br /> come into compliance with its constitutional obligation to provide every student a <br /> sound basic education; <br /> 17)Priority School Issues — Support legislation to address the following issues <br /> related to schools: <br /> a) Provide local school systems with calendar flexibility; <br /> b) Provide full funding for State allotments including Average Daily <br /> Membership (ADM) growth and infrastructure/capital, and support <br /> legislation to provide for an overall increase in funding based on average <br /> daily memberships outside of the current formula system; <br /> c) a periodic accounting process for State per pupil funds so that funds and <br /> pro-rated funds follow students to their respective schools, as opposed to <br /> the current process that only considers State funding allocations based on <br /> students' attendance location on a single day during the school year; <br />