Orange County NC Website
CASEL SELREA - Barriers and Recommendations <br /> There is no common definition of SEL Create a district SEL department to <br /> districtwide. oversee the work and carry it forward <br /> Teacher feel they do not have support Provide SEL foundational learning for all <br /> from the central office to fully implement staff and professional development based <br /> SEL. on need/role; Empower deeper adult <br /> SEL instruction is inconsistent - needs to reflection and engagement <br /> be expanded to teachers and integrated Provide more parent engagement, <br /> into academic instruction; There is a need Explore current SEL curriculum to ensure <br /> for a community engagement component high schools can offer effective instruction <br /> SEL needs to be integrated into Leverage data to monitor progress rogress <br /> Assessment and Research towardsgoals <br /> BARRIERS RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> -r� - 8 <br />