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Draft 10-IS-0.3 (clean) 9 <br />6.. Right to Use the Property for Customary Rural Enterprises <br />Grantors retain the right to use the portion of'the Property within the six-acre <br />"Farmstead Area" as identified on Exhibit B ,and more particularly described in the Baseline <br />Report, for otherwise lawful and customary rural enterprises, such as, but not limited to, farm <br />machinery repair, sawmills, firewood distribution, bed and breakfast, or educational programs <br />so long as such activities are consistent with Orange County zoning regulations and permits <br />required by and issued by Orange County under its laws and ordinances. Conducting <br />customary rural enterprises on any other part of the Property is not permitted without the <br />advance written permission of the Grantee in each instance.. The Grantee shall not give such <br />permission unless the Grantee determines that the proposed use will not substantially diminish <br />or impair the conservation values of the Property. <br />7. Procedure to Construct Buildings and Other bccprovements <br />The Grantors' rights to construct or reconstruct buildings and other improvements are <br />described in subparagraphs (a) through (f) below. Any construction or reconstruction not <br />permitted below, or not previously approved by Grantee, is prohibited. Before undertaking <br />any construction or reconstruction that requires advance permission, the Grantors shall notify <br />the Grantee and obtain written permission. All construction or reconstruction is subject to <br />Orange County zoning regulations and must be consistent with permits required by and issued <br />by Orange County under its laws and ordinances for such construction activities. <br />(a) Fences -- Existing fences may be repaired and replaced, and new fences may be <br />built on the Property for purposes of reasonable and customazy management of livestock and <br />wildlife or to fence off the perimeter of the Property without any further permission of the <br />Grantee. <br />(b) Agriccdutral Structures & Lctproventettts -- Existing, agricultural structures and <br />improvements may be repaired, reasonably enlarged and replaced at their current locations <br />within the six-acre "Farmstead Area", as shown on Exhibit B ,without further permission <br />from the Grantee. New buildings, barns, sheds and other structures and improvements to be <br />used primarily for agricultural purposes, including the processing or sale of farm products <br />predominantly grown or raised on the Property, may be built on the Property without any <br />further permission of the Grantee provided they are located in the six-acre "Farmstead Area" <br />as identified on Exhibit B, and more particularly described in the Baseline Report.. Any new <br />buildings, structures or improvements proposed for locations outside the six-acre "Farmstead <br />Area" may be built only with the advance written permission of the Grantee. The Grantee <br />shall give such permission within a reasonable time, unless it determines that the proposed <br />building, structure or improvement would significantly diminish or impair the conservation <br />values of the Property or otherwise be inconsistent with the purposes off this Easement. <br />(c) Farrar Support Housing - No more than one (1) new single - or multi-family - <br />dwelling to house farm labor tenants, employees or others engaged in agricultural production <br />on the Property may be built on the Property without any further permission of the Grantee, <br />