Agenda - 12-09-2003-5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-09-2003
Agenda - 12-09-2003-5a
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9/1/2008 10:23:54 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:36:43 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20031209
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2003
RES-2003-080 Resolution of Approval and Acceptance of Grant - Agricultural Conservation Easement with Everett and Lewis Cheek
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2003
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Draft 10-1.5-03 (clean) 1 ~ <br />Cattle and other livestock are allowed to exist and to graze on the Property, except <br />within the locations identified and marked as "50-foot Stream Buffer" and as "Forest" on <br />Exhibit B. <br />10, Forest Management <br />Trees may be removed, cut and otherwise managed to control insects and disease, to <br />prevent personal injury and property damage, to remove non-native species, for pasture <br />restoration, for firewood and other non-commercial uses, including construction of permitted <br />improvements and fences on the Property. <br />Any other cutting, removal or harvesting of trees may be undertaken within the areas <br />identified and marked as "Forest" on Exhibit B only if a) the purpose is for clearing land for <br />cultivation or use by livestock, and b) it occurs outside of a 50-foot buffer from both sides of <br />Morgan Creek that runs through the property and is identified on Exhibit B, and c) it occurs <br />outside of the Pickard's Mountain Natural Area, which is located in the western end of the <br />Property and is identified on Exhibit B, and d) it is in accordance with either the Conservation <br />Plan referenced in Paragraph 9 herein or a forest management plan that is consistent with the <br />above-referenced Conservation Plan and prepared by a professional forester approved by <br />Grantee, such approval to not be unreasonably withheld. <br />Trees may be planted, harvested and removed within the area identified and marked as <br />"Farmstead Area" on Exhibit B without the advance written permission of the Grantee. <br />Fruit bearing trees may be planted for and removed from an orchard within in the area <br />identified and marked as "Agricultural Fields" on Exhibit B without the advance written <br />permission of the Grantee.. <br />11, Mining <br />There shall be no filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling, removal of topsoil, <br />sand, grave], rock, peat, minerals or other materials; and no change in the topography of the <br />land in any manner except as necessary for the purpose of combating erosion or flooding and <br />as reasonably necessary for any permitted maintenance, construction or reconstruction on the <br />Property. <br />12, Paving mtd Road Construction <br />Construction and maintenance of unpaved farm roads that may be reasonably necessary <br />and incidental to carrying out the improvements and uses permitted on the Property by this <br />Easement are permitted. Other than the existing road within the Farmstead Area, as indicated <br />on Exhibit B, no portion of the Property shall be paved or otherwise covered with concrete, <br />asphalt, or' any other impervious paving material, without the advance written permission of <br />the Grantee, The Grantee shall not give such permission unless the Grantee determines that <br />the proposed paving, or covering of the soil, or the location of any such road, will not <br />
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