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Dr°aft 10-1.5-0.3 (clears) to <br />provided it is less than 1,000 square feet in floor size and it is located within the six-acre <br />"Farmstead Area" identified on Exhibit B . At the time that construction of such structures is <br />to commence, Grantee shall be notified so that its records can be updated. <br />(d) Single-Fancily Residential Dwellings -- No more than one (1) new single-family <br />residential dwelling, together with reasonable appurtenances such as garage and sheds, may be <br />built on a subdivided lot from the Property in the two-acre "Residential Area" identified on <br />Exhibit B, subject to all applicable Orange County zoning, subdivision and building code <br />regulations. All appurtenant structures shall be contained within the "Residential Area." At <br />the time construction of such dwelling is to commence, Grantee shall be notified so that its <br />records can be updated. It is understood that Grantors may relinquish its rights to construct <br />the new residential dwelling referred to herein at any time, <br />(e) Recreational Improvements -New recreational improvements may be built <br />within the area identified and marked as "Farmstead Area" on Exhibit B without the advance <br />written permission of the Grantee. Any new recreational improvements, including natural <br />surface trails for pedestrian use, proposed f'or locations outside the area identified and marked <br />as "Farmstead Area" on Exhibit B may be built only with the advance written permission of <br />the Grantee. The Grantee shall give such permission within a reasonable time, unless it <br />determines that the proposed building, structure or improvement would significantly diminish <br />or impair the conservation values of the Property,. However, under no circumstances shall golf <br />courses or ranges, airstrips or helicopter pads be constructed, placed or permitted to remain on <br />the Propertyā€˛ Recreational motorized vehicle use is prohibited from any locations on the <br />Property. <br />(fl Utility Services mcd Septic Systems -- Installation, maintenance, repair, <br />replacement, removal and relocation of electric, gas, and water facilities, sewer lines and/or <br />other public or private utilities, including telephone or other communication services over or <br />under the Property for the purpose of providing electrical, gas, water, sewer, or other utilities <br />to serve improvements permitted herein, and the right to grant easements over and under the <br />Property for such purposes, is permitted.. Maintenance, repair or improvement of a septic <br />system(s) or other underground sanitary system which exists on the Property at the time of this <br />Easement, or the construction of a septic or other underground sanitary system, for the benefit <br />of any of the improvements permitted herein, is permitted.. The construction of a new well <br />system and/or a new septic or other underground sanitary system on the Property is permitted <br />within the area identified and marked as "Farmstead Area" on Exhibit B, but only if necessary <br />for service of the existing or replacement residential dwelling located immediately adjacent to <br />the Property and identified by Orange County Registry as PIN 9850-97-S1SS. <br />8. Scebdivision <br />The Property currently consists of one single tract.. Hereafter, the Property may only <br />be subdivided into three (3) separate parcels. Thereafter, the further subdivision of the <br />Property, the recording of a subdivision plan, partition, or any other division of the Property <br />into four or more parcels, is prohibited. This prohibition applies regardless of how many <br />