Orange County NC Website
Engineering Surveying Environmental Services <br />Draper Aden Associates <br />Section Two <br />Experience <br />9 <br />• Bidding and implementation of additional wells to the current landfill gas collection system <br />• Interface for the landfill gas collection system with the gas-to-energy plant installed by Ingenco, Inc. <br />• Upgrade of the landfill gas collection system’s blower flare station data collection and storage <br />instrumentation, with the installation of a continuous methane concentration monitor and the <br />replacement of the strip chart recorder with an electronic data logger <br />• Interface with the carbon credit firm (Blue Source), to maximize revenues from carbon emission control <br />sales; downloading, storing and providing of all the methane and flow data for nine separate verification <br />reporting periods, resulting in the verification of approximately 283,600 tons of net greenhouse gas <br />emissions reductions <br />• Greenhouse Gas Reporting <br />• Providing annual methane and flow data to the County for estimation of Title V emissions <br />• Design, bidding and implementation of a pumping system at the Glen Allen Softball Complex (GASBC) <br />to keep an active gas extraction trench operating; <br />• Operation and maintenance services for the GASBC blower and pumping systems; <br />• Gas probe monitoring for the SRLF and GASBC facilities. <br />During the 2014 calendar year, the active gas system was operational 99.7% of the time and collected over 310 <br />million cubic feet of landfill gas. <br />Draper Aden Associates is also responsible for maintaining and calibrating the flow and methane monitoring <br />equipment, the downloading, storing and management of all recorded data at the blower flare station, and <br />using this data to calculate and report annual greenhouse gas emissions to the EPA, and to provide data to the <br />County for the reporting of Title V annual emissions. The County also markets and sells carbon credits created <br />at the blower flare station and the Ingenco plant. Draper Aden Associates has worked closely with the County <br />and Blue Source, Inc., the company marketing and selling the credits, throughout the entire program, from <br />initial project acceptance and validation through nine verification periods. Draper Aden Associates provides <br />all the operational data and instrumentation calibration records required to Blue Source for the generation, <br />verification, marketing and sale of the credits. <br />Environmental and Groundwater Services <br />Over the years, Draper Aden Associates has successfully managed the environmental monitoring program <br />at the Springfield Road landfill and has saved the County significant money with innovative approaches, <br />and advocating on behalf of the County to DEQ. Our environmental monitoring services have included the <br />following: <br />• Evaluation of groundwater impact to Rooty and Allen’s Branches <br />• Establishment and monitoring of the groundwater monitoring program <br />• Quarterly groundwater monitoring <br />• Coordination of laboratory analysis <br />• Data validation and Statistical analysis <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 09434BEC-1F7E-41E5-A9D1-4CA5D7ECE339DocuSign Envelope ID: 730B0EA2-D934-4504-B42A-928DAE22F3FBDocuSign Envelope ID: C1C843D1-0612-4ACA-B0CC-D3438AF3B3FA