Orange County NC Website
Outside Agencies/Human Services <br /> CAGENCY INFORMATION <br /> Please provide the following information about your agency: <br /> 1. Date of Incorporation(Month/Year): 12 2002 <br /> 2.Agency's Purpose/Mission(no more than o few spntencesp <br /> Our mission is to encourage conservatiorrqq and inspire people to build lifelong connections with <br /> nature through immersive outdoor educatioi, citizen science, and wildlife stewardship. <br /> 2. Please provide a brief description of your organization's past achievements in carrying out similar projects and <br /> evidence of successful record of meeting proposed budgets and timetables(no more than 100 words). <br /> We have been running our afterschool program for 8 years at CHCCS and Durham Public Schools. <br /> At Carrboro Elementary school, we have w rked within our budget, sent timely program agendas to <br /> the school: carried out teacher trainings and submitted sign in lists for continuing education credit and <br /> followed the timeframe laid out in our proposals. Parents reported on surveys how their children share <br /> their experience and knowledge, and send t eir kids to camp. Positive survey responses, the <br /> excitement students showed when we arrivE d at the school, and teachers reported using the activities <br /> in our absence, are signs of our success. <br /> 3. Living Wage: Does this agency pay permanent mployees a minimum living wage?(Yes/No) No <br /> If yes, is this agency an Orange County Living Wage Certified Employer? No <br /> If no,please briefly explain. <br /> Due to financial decisions made prior to the pandemic, and then freezing salaries during the <br /> pandemic, salaries were adjusted as best as possible, and we had a group health plan. Our criteria to <br /> offer an employer plan changed and those who needed health insurance had to go back through the <br /> marketplace. Currently, the board is evaluating adjusting the current budget so we can pay a living <br /> wage without health insurance to our permanent full-time staff. One part time permanent staff person <br /> was added in September of 2021. We are also trying to increase that hourly rate as more funds come <br /> in for the programs that person was hired to teach. <br /> Schedule of Positions: #of FTE-Full-Time Paid Positions: 7 <br /> #of FTE-Part-Time Paid Positions: <br /> " 1 Part time staff that works all year round. <br /> 41 Part time staff that work seasonal. <br /> _. <br /> Cover Pzge Pa ge 6 of 21 <br />