Orange County NC Website
communication cannot be restored the meeting will be adjourned without further <br /> action. <br /> B. Remote attendance at other times. <br /> 1. At all other times advisory boards shall meet in person at the time and location <br /> adopted in the board's meeting schedule and as set out herein. <br /> 2. Should a member be unable to physically attend a meeting the member may attend <br /> remotely so long as simultaneous communication is maintained for the remotely <br /> attending member(s) and only so long as the public has access to communications <br /> by the member(s). <br /> 3. Remote attendance involves a member(s) of the advisory board participating by <br /> simultaneous communication. <br /> 4. If the presence of a member(s) remotely attending a meeting is necessary for <br /> purposes of achieving a quorum and simultaneous communication with the <br /> member(s) is lost the meeting will not continue until simultaneous communication <br /> is restored and if simultaneous communication cannot be restored the meeting will <br /> be adjourned without further action. <br /> Adopted 2-21 12;Dates of Amendment 8-21-12;11-8-12;3-3-15;6-18-19;6-2-20;10-6-20 <br />