CFE agenda 02142022
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE agenda 02142022
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Last modified
2/10/2022 9:21:48 AM
Creation date
2/10/2022 9:19:39 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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CFE Meeting Summary 02142022
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Commission for the Environment\Minutes\2022
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C. Advisory Boards, the Board of Adjustment, Board of Equalization and Review, and Animal <br /> Services Hearing Panel, and any members thereof shall not (and shall not have the express or <br /> implied authority to): <br /> 1. Incur expense or obligate Orange County in any manner. <br /> a. Any expense incurred must have been pre-approved either through the <br /> department director overseeing the advisory board's budget, the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners, or the County Manager. <br /> b. It is specifically acknowledged that no member of an advisory board has the <br /> authority, express or implied, to, contractually or otherwise, bind Orange <br /> County. <br /> 2. Identify or release any draft document that has not been approved for release by the <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners or County Manager. <br /> 3. Take positions, in their capacity as an advisory board member, on any political issue <br /> or support or oppose any candidate for public office. <br /> 4. Independently investigate resident complaints against Orange County, any <br /> department or any employee of a department. <br /> 5. Conduct any activity that might constitute or be construed as an official governmental <br /> review of departmental or employee actions. <br /> 6. Conduct any activity that might constitute or be construed as establishment of <br /> Orange County or departmental policy. <br /> 7. Violate the confidentiality of any information related to matters involving pending or <br /> forthcoming civil or criminal litigation. <br /> 8. Engage in any act to impose or attempt to impose discipline on any advisory board <br /> member, department, or employee. <br /> 9. Interfere, attempt to interfere or involve themselves in any way in staff personnel <br /> matters regardless of the nature of the matter. <br /> SECTION XII. REMOTE MEETINGS AND REMOTE ATTENDANCE PURSUANT TO NCGS§166A-19.24 <br /> A. Declared states of emergency. <br /> 1. Upon a declaration of a state of emergency in Orange County by the Chair of the <br /> Board of Commissioners advisory boards subject to this Advisory Board Policy may <br /> meet remotely as authorized by the County Manager. <br /> 2. A remote meeting is an official meeting, or any part thereof, with a majority or all of <br /> the members of the advisory board participating by simultaneous communication. <br /> 3. Simultaneous communication is any communication by conference telephone, <br /> conference video, or other electronic means. <br /> 4. Advisory Boards shall comply with open meetings laws. <br /> 5. Advisory Boards shall coordinate with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners to <br /> notify the public of the remote meetings and the means by which the public may <br /> access the remote meetings. <br /> 6. If at any time during a remote meeting the number of members needed for a <br /> quorum is disrupted by a loss of simultaneous communication the meeting will not <br /> continue until simultaneous communication is restored and if simultaneous <br /> Adopted 2-21 12;Dates of Amendment 8-21-12;11-8-12;3-3-15;6-18-19;6-2-20;10-6-20 <br />
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